Chapter 7

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"Hey Caroline!" El waved jogging down the stairs juggling her purse and lipstick. She attempted to dab some on smearing it all over her mouth.

"Well hello, clown." I giggled at her lipstick job and her eyes cracked open at the sight of herself in the car mirror.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have time to perfect myself." She laughed shutting the door. The whole ride there we laughed, talked, listened to the radio. Overall it actually felt extremley natural. It was still weird that I had one of my famous idols sitting next to me, singing like an idiot complaining about Lou's sassiness or his attitude. When we pulled into the mall parking lot I saw a bunch of teenage boys huddled and acting like idiots.

"Those are the 'jocks' of our school. I wouldn't really call them jocks, they're more just a hit-and-run kind of druggie sort of people. You know?" I nodded and couldn't keep my eyes off of them, they looked so lost but happy at the same time. I never really had full out druggies at my school since it was a private school. My current one will be too, and its a boarding school as well but I guess its different.

When we got through the doors a bunch of screaming girls crowded around Eleanor and tried to take photos. She said she was 'off for the day' whatever that means. Nobody really engaged in conversation with me, or even acknoledged me being there. I was fine with it, El didn't look like she appreciated all the attention very much.


"Want to go get something from starbucks?" She asked swinging the shopping bags back and forth. We bought more clothing for school then I've boughten in years. El said it was 'on her' but I truly did feel bad. Everyone has a limit even if their dating one of the most famous popstars in the UK.

"Sure," I nodded linking arms with her. El was a real sweatheat, very trustworthy as well. She did complain a lot which I noticed during the mall trip but over all the time was truly enjoyable.

"What can I get you ladies?" A nice lady came to our table by the window craining her neck to look at the menu.

"Two coffee's please. No sugar, but creme please." I nodded at her choice and continued looking through my twitter. I tended to be on twitter and instagram a lot lately, it was nice to see Niall's fans respond to all my tweets.

"You loving the famous life?"

"Famous-psh no. I'm FAR from anything close to famous."

"Well your friends with me." She smirked recieving the coffee from the lady.

"Yeah, but I haven't done anything to get myself noticed. I don't want to be noticed because of someone else." I shrugged.

"Well, thats pretty sensible. Work for it, I heard you can sing."

"Eh," I shrugged. El nudged my arm playfully dissagreeing with me.

"I'd love to hear you some time, I bet Niall would too." I blushed at that thought, I was still loving the fact that he was trying so hard to get my attention.

"He's been asking me about you lately." El gushed showing me her texts from him.

"Why, me?"

"Are you like blind? He obviously likes you." She sat back in her seat sipping from her coffee.

"Nah," I waved my hand sarcastically. El shrugged and continued to finish her drink.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"Man, where were you last night, the boys and I called you several times. We had a band meeting." Louis said walking next to me towards the studio.

"I had other plans," I nonchalantly shrugged putting the headphones on my ears.

"No, he was out with Caaaroliiinee" Harry stressed her name, chuckling at me. I rolled my eyes punching him in the arm to shut up. All the boys continued laughing until Simon came in.

"Boys, get back to work. The TMH tour is this summer and we have so much to do." Everyone stopped chuckling and grabbed their papers with the lyrics.

So what that I was out with Caroline, why do they think its so funny to make fun of me when I'm out with a girl. I've been out with plenty.


"You boys want to go to nando's?" Liam asked chucking his coat over his shoulder as we left the studio.

"I gotta work, mate." I sighed holding my car door open.

"Whats with you lately? Work and home is basically the only places we hear about anymore." Zayn sighed.

"I seriously gotta go, bye boys." They waved slightly as my car pulled away. It was actually none of their business why I was always working, it was no one's. Just mine, even if they were my closest mates they didn't need to be in on every single bit of my personal life.

Sheesh, sometimes I feel like I can never come up for air when I'm with them.

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