Chapter 14

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

It was the first time I had woken up to the sound of an alarm clock in almost 3 months. I was not missing it one bit. When the harsh sound was massacred underneath my fingers I rubbed my eyes removing the left over sleep from last night. I had gone to bed relatively late after hanging out with Niall .I enjoyed it, we fooled around, talked, and ate cheep hot dogs. Niall even had it on him. I left him with a lingering kiss on the cheek; I could honestly tell he wanted more. I sat up in bed removing the heavy duty, puffy covers off of the duvet.

Yes, this school was VERY rich. They had wicked nice beds that I never wanted to leave making it worse to get ready in the morning. Eleanor probably already left to yoga being the morning person I'm not. I don't care if I get fat, as long as I'm not straining myself to get up at 5 AM I'd rather live my life while I have it.

Hey, that's a pretty good motto.

I slipped on my uggs and headed towards my dresser pulling out jeans and a blouse. I pulled the shirt over my head and fixed my bra so it wasn't sticking out of the top. I didn't want to look like a hooligan or anything. I put on my sperry's and french braided my bed head so it looked more tamed. I shrugged turning in the mirror. I didn't look awful for once. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the main building.


"Hey, Caroline." Niall held onto the strap of my back pack pulling myself next to him.

"Hi." I greeted him with a smile then looking back down at my schedual.

"What class are you heading too?"


"Hey, me too."

"Cool." I grinned allowing him to lead me. I was the new girl at this school so you could say I was REALLY lost.

When we got into class a modern day white board masked the front of the room and desks wrapped around in a square. A couple were matched up in pairs in the center and Niall sat at one. He patted the seat and I accompanied him dropping my bag underneath the desk. Students that I didn't recognize began piling in. A strict, short, old looking woman walked into the class hunched over. She dropped whatever was contained in that tiny grocery bag of hers onto her table in the back corner and began writing words on to the board. 'Hello, my name is Mrs. Hale.'

She turned back around grinned and placed the marker shaking onto the white board bottom. Some boys were throwing wadded up papers in the background and one ended up hitting me in the back. I turned around gave them a glare and they sat back in their seats whistling.

"Ignore them," Niall comforted. It was okay, I knew how to handle it. They're just a group of idiotic man-children who need to grow up.

"We have a new student, class. Please welcome, Caroline Godday." She shook and stuttered between each word. She waved her hands for me to stand up and continued to motion them for me to introduce myself.

"Um, h-hi I'm Caroline and I'm from Massachusetts, United States." Some of the boys gave me a clap and my face reddened as I sat down. I was obviously not used to being the new girl or called out of a group for that matter. I was very happy back in my old tow. I had a sufficient number of friends, I had a good amount of boyfriends in my past. I had good grades, my parents never fought. Even though they weren't there to help me with everything my brother often times helped me with those dumb algebra problems no one gets. Even how much of a drunk he is at times he always wanted to be a math teacher, he's just too lazy to fulfill it. Its quite sad actually.

I got through the class fine, it was boring. The teacher in general was agonizingly long and tedious.

*Niall's P.O.V*

My first day has been going pretty well, I have only math with Caroline but we get to sit together and pass notes. The teacher could care less or wouldn't be able to even see it for that matter. I finally made it to lunch where I could hang out with the boys.

"Hey mate." Harry nodded as I sat down across from him. Liam was talking with Danielle next to Harry. Zayn and Louis were texting on the other bench of the table and Harry was alone with me.

"How was your first day?" He asked as I scrolled through my twitter.

"Good, you?"

"Great! I think I may have found some good girlfriend material."

"Like, g-girlfriend girlfriend?" Harry didn't really d-a-t-e. I'm sorry, I can't use that word around him. He absolutely detested sticking with someone more than one night at a time. He was a 'Hit-and-run' sort of Lad. I found it quite amusing how girls eventually caught on and didn't want to talk to him. It was his fault completely, maybe he was starting new this year.

"Yes, shes really hot." Hot, Hot is all he thinks about. I bit into my sandwich and Caroline came to sit next to me.

"Hey, Caroline." Harry grinned at her looking up from his phone.

"Hi, Harry." She smiled back picking through her salad with her fork.

"You like it here?" I butted in during their smiling contest.

"Yeah, really nice. I just wish they had better food. You know?" I nodded and thought of an idea.

"Well you do know I work at a olive garden down town. I'd be happy to bring you there. For you know, a discount." She chuckled chewing her food. Harry couldn't help but laugh at my attempt at flirting.

"Well I'll see you two later. Bye." Harry got up I was kind of glad he left us. I was awful under pressure.

'Sounds fun." She smiled taking another bite.

"Awesome." I smiled.

I couldn't get enough of this girl, she was like an addictive drug.

She was my crank.

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