Chapter 15

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

Waking up every morning for school is a complete drag, but seeing those gorgeous blue eyes that walks me to every class even if its out of his way is completely worth it. We haven't really gone on a proper day but we hang out almost everyday after school. He helps me with homework, usually math. I help him with english, he has awful grammar. I've always loved to write but haven't really had time to posses it. My new AP english class has given me an excuse to write on my laptop for hours on end. It was finally the weekend, free to go into town and shop. I was probably going to walk around the board walk with either Niall or Eleanor. We had become really good friends as well afterall we have to sleep in the same room.

"Good morning, sleep head." Eleanor giggled pushing an earing through her ear as I sat up in bed. I gave her a snooty, yet amusing smirk and walked into the bathroom dipping my head down, hunched over. I rubbed my eyes and turned on some music. Showering quickly was no task but untangling my hair afterwards would be difficult. I gave up and put it in a bun on top of my head. Eleanor was heading somewhere and I caught her before she left.

"Where you going?" I questioned digging through my dresser. She stopped walking and turned on her heel making her purse cling to her side.

"Dani and I are doing a pilates class."

"Ugh, okay. See you later I guess." I was kind of hoping we could have some girl-on-girl time because I didn't get that much with Niall obviously. I wanted to know why Eleanor said 'Be careful' about him too. What could be wrong with such a sweet and innocent boy? Nothing that I see, but hanging with Niall will still be just as fun.

I pulled a hoodie and white shorts on as I dialed Niall's cell number.

'Hello?' He sounded like he just woke up.

'Hey, Blondie! Would you be up to going to the board walk with me today?'

'I'd love too." He sounded like he was smiling through the phone. It was so cute, he was so adorable. I feel so lucky that once I was behind a screen looking and gawking over him dreaming about seeing him 20 feet away on a stage. Now I can hug, talk, and cuddle with. Yeah, we cuddle on my bed a lot when we watch movies but its like a friend. He has kind of retreated his flirting seeing it made me uncomfortable at times. Put it this way, if we dated and broke up he most likely would never talk to me again.

"Alright, Bye Bye." We both hung up and I grabbed my purse and flip flops. I walked towards the boys dorms and knocked on their door. Harry answered with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He smirked seeing my eyes had wandered in lower regions. My face reddened in embarissment.

"I'm sure Niall wouldn't appreciate your wandering eyes. But I'll keep that between us." He winked and I could see Niall rushing to put a shirt over his head. He sprayed cologne all over his body unaware I was standing in the door way.

"Harry," Niall called. "Wheres my wallet?" He asked again. Harry turned around revealing the sillouette of my body and Niall was flushed after his show.

"In the bathroom I think."

"O-okay." He stuttered tripping over his own laces to the bathroom.

"He's literally head over heels for you." Harry chuckled going back into the room. I decided to wait in the doorway not wanting to intrude their private 'man cave'. That and it smelled really bad.

"I'm ready!" Niall called placing his hand on my foreback pushing me out of the room.

"You look prett.y" He complimented me out of breath as we walked down the hall.

"Thank you, your shirts backwards." I giggled watching as his face changed color. He looked down and put his hand to his forehead. He twisted it around fixing it.

"Much better," I grinned leaning my head on his shoulder. We acted like brother and sister, well okay maybe not like that. Brother and sister fight a lot. We actually never did, we were like a relationship with out all the drama, labels, and kissing of course. I didn't mind it, the labels 'boyfriend and girlfriend' are demeaning. It makes me feel like someone owns me, which they don't. I didn't think Niall honestly minded.

*Niall's P.O.V*

Over the weeks Caroline has been killing me; literally stabbing me in the heart with her little flirty actions. She would lean her head on me, linger her fingers on my arm, giggle at my idiotic motions for no reason. It was so a g o n i z i n g. She didn't understand how much I wanted to hold her, be with her, kiss her, and protect her. Harry said I had to make it more obvious about what I wanted. How the hell was I supposed to do that without saying 'Will you be my girlfriend?' and that just sounds cheesy and cliche. I've told her they were dates but she always ends them with one of those hugs or agonizing kisses on the cheek.

"Icecream?" She motioned yanking on my fingers towards the stand on the edge of the board walk.

"Sure," I brought out my wallet but she pressed it down.

"On me," She smiled again. It was like a shot gun to my brain. Once your alive and fine, turns and smiles, BAM dead. She handed me a cone and we continued walking.

"So, what are you going to be doing next year?" She asked swinging her arms back and forth. Her hand dangerously close to mine. What would I do to entwine her small fingers in my hand? Everything.

Do it. Just do it.

No, she's waiting for you to respond. Respond, idiot.

"Uh. Probably, college." I pushed out in one of those cliche man voices. I sounded like an idiot, how does she even keep staying with me?

"No kidding, I meant where." She laughed tossing the regards of her cone in the trash.

"Oh, probably some type of music school."

"Of course."

"What about you?"

"Writing maybe."

"You write?"

"A little." She blushed.

"I'd like to read some, what else are some of your hidden talents that your not telling me about?"

"Nothing, I mean I've taken singing lessons a couple of times but I'm not very good."

"I bet your amazing." She tipped her head down embarissed and I knew this was my chance to 'woo' her.

I lifted her chin up to look at me, "You are amazing." She grinned and mouthed 'Thank you.' She turned back around facing the water and stopping at the gate below the sand.

Fuck, I missed my chance.

I walked next to her looking out at the waves below us. Her hand was by her side right by mine, I reached it over and just touched the palm of her hand. She was startled and lifted it up to the gate. This was going to be harder than I thought.

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