Chapter 21

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

"Merry Christmas Eve," Niall whispered into the crain of my neck. He kissed it, revealing the tender skin from last night. He breathed cool air on my skin making goose bumps rise from the surface of my arms.

"You smell real good-" I joked pushing him away from me. It was true, he had awful morning breath. Something I had to live with often, we would have weekly sleepovers. Starting with attempts of math then ending with movies or make out sessions. Not that I minded, except I enjoyed kissing him more when his breath didn't smell like rotten eggs.

"Sorry." He breathed in front of my face. I held my nose placing my hands on his mouth to keep it shut.

"Go take a shower, Niall." Still with a plugged nose I peeled the covers off of me revealing my underwear and long t-shirt niall had 'lended' me a long time ago. He whistled as I rose from the matress and I smacked a pillow on the side of his head.

"You shouldn't have done that." He smirked grabbing a pillow next to him. He pounced off of the bed wacking me in the back. I grabbed another pillow smacking him in the head and I tried to run into the bathroom for safety.

"You're not getting away that quick!" He pulled his arms around my waist disallowing me to continue any farther. He kissed my cheek putting my feet on top of his warm ones. He stepped forward and I mimicked his steps walking on top of him towards the bed.

"See now you're almost as tall as me!" He cheered tossing me on the bed.

"Good luck getting a kiss from me tonight." I said with a complete straight face. His smirk dropped to a frown and I crossed  my arms trying to stifle a laugh.

"Go shower, stinky." I repeated shooing him off. He agreed finally dissipating into the bathroom. Steam started seeping through the door as he showered and I quickly changed into leggings and a long sweater. I put my hair in a messy bun and went on face book while Niall was in the shower.

I got a message from Louis right away.

'How's meeting the fam' going?'

'Good! :) My Aunt likes Niall, Not sure about Steve.'

'Oh god. What happened?'

'He just didn't really talk, he's creepy around me to tho.'

'I see. What are you guys up to today?'

'Just chillin', I think we're going ice skating later.'

'Sounds fun! El & I are going sledding at Hazzah's'

'Cooool :)'

'Guurrl you know it. Haha, well gotta go. Tell Ni I say Hi and I love him.'

'Will do, bye Lou.'

'Hehe, that ryhmes. Bye Caroline.'

'Buh bye.' I shut off my laptop as Niall came from the bathroom wrapped in only a towel. I grinned as he saw me staring at his toned torso. What I'm a girl? Its not my fault I enjoy looking at my boyfriends body.

"I'm going downstairs to go get something to eat. Want anything?" I asked as Niall pulled Jeans on.

"Why don't we cook together?"

"I'll see what my Aunt has planned." He nodded and I jogged downstairs almost mauling over Steve.

"In a hurry?" He smirked.


"Where's that boyfriend of yours?"

"Changing." I simply answered trying to get past him.

"Hmm. I was thinking maybe tonight you and me could go out for dinner or something. You know, Uncle & Neice time?"

What. W-H-A-T? UNCLE & NEICE TIME? Is that even a thing?

I was getting nervous and didn't know what to say. I could feel my palms sweating and I tried to push some words out.

"Niall & I are going ice skating."

"Suit yourself, maybe another day. Caroline." He stressed my name as he let me pass.

He was mother trucking creepy. I did not want to associate with this man. Not now, not ever.

*Niall's P.O.V*

As I finished getting dressed Steve entered the room before even knocking. Talk about rude.

"Hi, Mr. Goddard."

"Hello, Niall." His low voice made my spine crawl and goosebumps form up my back.

"Can I help you?" I mumbled fingering the threads on my jeans.

"Yes, actually. Is Caroline free to spend time with her Uncle tonight?"

What I wanted to say; No, its christmas eve, she's my girlfriend. FUCK NO.

"Uhm, I'll have to check with her." I scratched the back of my neck and he studied me up and down.

"I see." I nodded and pushed my way past him. He stood there for a while, silent looking out at the snow falling down the window payne.

What the actual fuck was wrong with that guy.

More importantly, what did he want with Caroline.


"Hey, Ni." Caroline kissed my cheek cracking eggs into a bowl.

"Hey, beautiful." I wrapped my arms around her waist looking down at the contents in the container.

"Help please.." She mumbled embarissed triyng to fish out some shell from the bowl.

"Sure, babe." I reached down spilling all the contaminated eggs in the sink and started a new bowl. She helped stir the ingredients while I added it in.

"What are you making, Car Car." The little 6 year old peered over the counter trying to get a look at the food.

"Pancakes." Caroline picked her up propping her on her back. She looked even more adorable with children, it made me think what it would be like for me to have a family with her.

"Niall, Maggie. Maggie, Niall." Caroline said showing her towards me.

"Hello, Niall." She repeated similar to the way Steve said it.

"Would you like some pancakes, Maggie?" I said kneeling down towards her height. She nodded feverishly and reached down towards the spoon. I gripped the end helping her stir. She giggled widly throughout the whole process.

"You did it!" I congratulated her giving her a high-five. Did I feel stupid? Eh, kind of. But with Caroline it was worth it. Maggie started running towards the cabinets looking for silver ware and plates.

"She really likes you," Caroline whispered in my ear.

"You think?" I smiled.

"I know," She kissed my lips gently and pulled away as Maggie came to set the table up.

I knew I was in the right place, Caroline was truly amazing.

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