Chapter 13

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'Hey Caroline' Niall messaged me on Face book right after I logged in. I kind of liked getting so much affection & attention. It felt good for once, I mean some people are like 'ew, clingy much?' but I always loved clingy people. Yeah, that sounds kind of weird but I hate enduring silence, or being alone. I guess this trip was a huge leap from my original life. Not knowing any one here, taking those risks. But now I have Niall, and even Eleanor. The rest of the boys are really nice & all but I'm not like 'stuck-to-the-hip' close.

'Hi, Niall :)'I replied scrolling through my news feed looking at pictures of Eleanor and Louis had posted.

"Hey, girl!" A familar voice squeeked shutting the door behind her. All I saw was medium-shoulder length hair and shorts that hugged her body a long with a rain jacket. She rotated all the way around and I saw her face.


"Hi!" She squealed again. I got up from the bed giving her an awkward almost 'kiss-and-hug-your-aunt' like. She squeezed my hand lightly letting go.

"Wow this room is really nice," She gushed dropping her things on the bed next to me. I nodded and looked back down at my laptop.

'What room # you in?' El was craining her neck towards my computer before I shut it.

"Talking to Niall are you?" She smirked.

"We're just friends." I correct. She rolled her eyes and picked up her purse. Her GOUCI purse.

"I'm off to lunch, join me?" I shook my head and she shrugged.

'314, Eleanor is my roomie. Who's yours?'


'Wow, what a miracle!'

'I know right? So anyway, can I come over and we can hang until dinner tonight? x'

'I'm kinda busy..'

'please? *puppy dog face/eyes*'

'You're so stupid.'

'Guilty as charged, see you in 20.'

'Bye, blondie.' He went offline and I went into my bathroom to fix up my appearance. I didn't really want to stay in this uncomfortable skirt, and top so I went towards my suitcase leaning next to the matress. I dug through it pulling out a hoodie and yoga pants. It was air conditioned here so it wasn't really a problem if I wore pants. I slipped on the new clothing and put my hair up in a messy bun.

"Eh- good enough." I shrugged fixing my mascara. I heard a knock on my door and I skipped over towards the noise. I looked through the tiny hole and I didn't see anyone.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled opening up the door. I stepped out and felt someone grab onto my waist and mouth. I shrieked biting onto the skin covering my mouth and he pulled away groaning and cussing in an irish tone.

"Niall?" I asked puzzled getting the spit off of my mouth.

"What was that for?!" He pouted rubbing the gash on his hand.

"I'm sorry, but when you hold me hostage like a pedophile I can't be held acountable for my actions."

"Got that right," He contued pouting.

"Oh come on, lets go get that wrapped up." I opened the door back up and led him towards my bathroom.

"Your room is a lot nicer than the guys dorms," Niall mumbled until wincing under the cold water.

"Hold still," I said firmly holding his hand underneath the water.

"I like when you hold my hand like that," Niall cheekily grinned making my face change shades. Embarrassed I pulled away and he pulled his hand out drying it on the hand towel next to him.


"Why don't we go watch a movie?" I suggested getting bored of talking on the bed. He always tried away to snake his arm closer to my thigh. I don't know what was up with him but he was acting really, really cheeky.

"Sure," He shot me a smile running up to the VCR. He but in 'Jaws' a typical date movie. I wasn't even sure this was a date, it didn't feel like one. I felt like he was more trying to make it one than I was. He was really confusing at times.

*Niall's P.O.V*

Caroline really is difficult, she wouldn't detect any of the moves, or flirting I was throwing down. She almost tried to move away at any chance. Whenever we got into a flirty, or even uncomfortable topic she would almost hide away in her invisible shell and change the subject. Actually, I haven't even asked her if she had a boyfriend. She was too pretty not to.

Shut up Niall, you never know.

Throughout the whole move my feet were entertwining with hers and she lifted up hers trying to avoid more contact. She got embarissed, wicked, wicked easily and I didn't know why.

After the movie was over she got up to turn off the TV. Her sweatshirt lifted up just enough for me to get a look at what an amazing body she had. I've seen her in a bikini but it wasn't one of those things you could get used to. Kind of like Channing Tatum for girls atleast. Maybe Megan Fox for me.  I mean who doesn't think shes hot?

"Niall," Caroline said waving her hand in front of my face trying to get me out of my daze. I hadn't realized I was spacing out on her.

Well thats embarissing.

"Back to earth?" She giggled digging through her dresser.

"Y-yeah. What are you doing?" I asked puzzled as she pulled out a nicer top.

"Going to change my shirt so we can go to dinner, silly." She grinned like I was a complete idiot. I kind of was at times.

"Need any help?" What the hell did I just say, that was the dumbest words that have ever came out of my mouth.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

She dissipated into the bathroom shutting the door behind her without answering my idiotic yet cheeky question. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, she would never fall for me if I did that.


"Thanks for everything, I'll see you tomorrow in class." She kissed my cheek at her door and left. No goodnight kiss for me. Oh well.

I slumped back towards my dorm and Harry turned to me as I entered the room.

"Why you so gloomy?" Harry switched the TV off slipping underneath the covers of his duvet.

"Nothing, good night."

"Night, Nialler." I tweeted a goodnight text to my fans and turned my lamp off. I hoped tomorrow would be a new and better day.

A new and better start.

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