Chapter 36

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

Ever since I told Niall about Steve he has been super protective, and always around to be there with me. He would walk me to class, he even put himself through the pain of joining me for dress shopping. He would sit in those little couches outside of the dressing room and told me which one he liked best. He said "Wow, you look stunning." or "How do you look so good in everything?" The worst thing he said about one of the dresses was "Don't you think thats a bit revealing?" and that was just cause' he didn't want any one else's eyes on me. To be honest, I thought it was adorable when he was jealous. I liked having someone to always care about me, even if it was a bit over protective.

"Caroline, are you almost done? We're going to be late!" Niall hollered through the door. I was hiking up my light blue dress and arranging my curls. I dabbed some lip gloss on before opening the door to reveal Niall in his tux. He looked so, handsome.

"You look. . .wow." He studied me up and down holding onto my palm rubbing his thumb over the grooves.

"You don't look bad yourself," I gushed returning the favor in kissing his gently on the lips. He pecked my lips again and pulled back to look at my composure. "You really do look incredible," He repeated. I blushed, "Thanks, Ni." He wrapped his arms around the small of my back leading me out the door. Prom was being held in some rec center near by that was apparently really nice. When I got into his car he handed me the coursage and placed it on my wrist.

"Its beautiful." I stared at the light blue flower on my wrist. It had white pedals, and it matched Niall's tux with his light blue tie.

When we arrived at the rec center it was covered in students, couples walking together. Their were camera's going off, balloons flying, and loud music was booming so loud it was audible from the farthest end of the parking lot. Niall got out of his side and helped me get out of mine. I wasn't used to wearing heels that often so I had to hold onto Niall's forearm inorder not to trip. I don't think Niall minded.

I felt someone tap my shoulder which made me jump a little, Niall turned and I mimicked his movements seeing a smiling Louis & El arm-in-arm.

"Hey, Mate." Lou gestured towards Niall. "Wow, Caroline you clean up good." Lou whistled. El nudged him a bit in the stomach and eyed him like a hawk. I couldn't help but release a laugh.

"Thanks, Lou. You & El look adorable together." I smiled. Eleanor had a lighter purple dress and Lou copied her color with a purple bow tie. They looked like they came from the movie 'Greece'. It was pretty cute. I could tell El put a lot of work into her outfit, she really did look amazing.

"Well, we'll see you in there?" Niall said turning around.

"Yeah, definitely. Tell me if you see Zayn anywhere, El is looking for Perrie."

"Will do, later man." Niall said walking forward. When we got into the rec area it was covered in bodies dancing, punch was set up on multiple tables. People were sitting around silk covered circular tables with their friends. It was covered in multi-color streamers and a DJ controlled the music in the front.

"I'm going to go get us some punch, find us a table?" Niall asked unraveling his hand in mine. I nodded and searched the room. My eyes scanned until I saw Harry, Zayn, and Liam all sitting together probably eating cake or something. I walked over confidently trying not to fall head over heels (literally) until I made it to their table. Harry's eyes bulged as I greeted them and dropping my clutch at the seat next to Zayn.

"You look very nice," Liam complimented me sipping his punch.

"Thanks, you do too. Where's Dani?" I quizzed.

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