Chapter 18

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Guys, since I'm posting another one tonight can you guys puhlease help me by voting? It would mean the world <3 Thanks & Good night everyone xx


*Niall's P.O.V*

I went home that night holding the girl I had been waiting for, for more than 2 months. I now had her, in my arms. We went back to my dorm that night and Harry was probably having sex with that girl he went to dinner with. So, it was just Caroline and I. Although, me being a gentlemen and all, its not like I would take her home to use her for sex or anything when I just got her. So we just watched 'Big Bang Theory' and cuddled underneath the covers. I was leaning my head on her temple and giving her little butterfly kisses on her forehead and lips. I wondered what she was thinking, I had taken a big step at the fair. I kind of finally got fed up with being a wus and showed her whose boss. Not that the man is BOSS or anything.

I'm not sexist, I promise.

After hours of endless TV she fell asleep in my arms entwining our ankles underneath the sheets. I listened to the soft hum of her breathing and a mix of snoring. She wasn't a snorer, but she breathed hard in her sleep. It was cute, I liked hearing her sleep it made me feel like I finally had someone that could be here with me. Someone who would stay awake for hours watching those dumb TV shows only geeks like me would watch. I pulled a piece of her golden, brown hair away from her face revealing her freckles and prominent cheek bones. Her mouth was agape as she breathed and her small, petite nose was flaring every time she breathed.

I kissed her forehead one last time and laid my head on her temple snaking my arm around her waist. I would wake up holding the most beautiful girl in the world, and she's all mine. Well, I guess not all mine. I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend or anything, I would have to find one of those cheesy, yet not cliche ways to ask her. She would l o v e it.



My alarm blasting in my ears as I rolled off of the bed bumping my head on the dresser on the way down I rubbed my forehead meeting gazes with a concerned girl looking at me.

"Morning, beautiful." I smiled rubbing my head. She chuckled scooting off of the matress. She greeted me on the floor and stood hovering over me. She had 'PINK' written across her arse on her black and lacy under wear, and a camisol that hugged her fit body. It showed a bit of her stomach where bare skin lingered underneath her touch yanking down the tank embarissed.

"Don't be embarissed, your gorgeous." I reasurred pulling a piece of her hair back pecking her lips. She grinned again, "Thank you, Niall. Well, I should head back to my dorm to get ready. See you in math?"

"Definitely." I smiled pressing my mouth to her cheek. I took in her smell and she pulled away giving me a little wave.

She was going to open up to me, it'll just take time.

Time is all I need.

*Carolines' P.O.V*

"Where have you been?" El questioned my bed head and lack of shoes.

"I slept over at Nialls," El's eyes widened and her mouth became agape. "Y-you mean, y-you."

"God no, Eleanor!" I scrunched my nose not thinking it sounded like that. She giggled and her face returned normal formation.

"Just checking," She giggled again. "So what did go on, over there?" She smirked.

"Nothing, just hung out." She nodded suspiciously and dissapeared into the bathroom.

I yanked some worn in jeans, my sperries, and a blouse on.

I grabbed onto the strap of my bag yanking it over my shoulder before checking my appearance in the mirror.

It would have to do, I'm not perfect.


"Hey, Everyone." I smiled sitting next to Niall. He squeezed my thigh under the table making me shift uncomfortably and I weakily smiled.

"Whats new, Car?" Louis asked chewing on some food. Eleanor was leaning her head on his shoulder being the 'cootsy' couple they are. I would never be like that, I'm not that confident in myself. My self esteem is crap.


I chugged my milk down before lunch ended and Niall intertwined our fingers as I got up from the table. El smiled at me over my shoulder and my face reddened.

"Hey Babe," He grinned kissing my cheek, obviously he had to lean down almost kissing my hair line because of my quick flinch. "Why so antsy?" He chuckled.

"N-no reason. I'm glad you're here."

"Me too, so I'm going to take you out tonight. On a proper date."

"You got it." I smiled up at him. He looked so cute when he grinned, his eyes glimmered, even if he had braces, and sometimes the smell of smoke came off of his clothing I enjoyed being around him. I mean what fangirl wouldn't? It all feels like a dream, a dream that is going to to take a long time to get used to.

When we got to math Niall pulled out my seat and pushing it back in as I placed my bum on the chair.

"Thanks," He nodded tossing his red notebook on the desk. A little note slipped out all I saw on it was 'I know this-" Then the rest of it was erased. I pulled it out a bit then Niall placed his hand on my knuckles stopping me from further movement.

"No, no, no." He shook his head at me like I was a dog. I pouted my lip out at him and crossed my arms.

"Don't worry, you'll see it another time." He smirked tucking it away. I stayed quiet for the rest of the class until Niall shoved a note inside the hollow, wooden section of the desk in front of my thighs. I unfolded the creased notebook paper and read it in my head, 'I'll pick you up at 7 tonight, wear something pretty ;) x'

I pulled out my pencil writing as silently as I could, 'Thats going to be difficult, but okay. :)'

"Ehem, Mrs. Goddard. Something you'd like to share?" My teacher was looking down on me tipping her spectacles so she could see the paper lingering on my fingers.

"Perhaps you'd like to read it out loud?" I shook my head crumbling the paper in between my fingers and shoving it in my pocket.

"Don't let it happen again." She snapped continuing to right nonsense of pre calculus on the board.


"I don't understand this." I sighed shoving the paper at Eleanor.

"Come on, just add X to the other side. Its simple!" She waved her arms around accusing my idiosycrnsy.

"Doesn't look simple, square roots blow. Why can't 'Y' just face it? His 'X' is never coming back." I pouted crumbling the paper out and throwing it in the trash.

"Maybe Niall can teach you." Eleanor mocked getting up from the seat pulled up to my desk. I was practically failing Pre Calc and needed to pull up my grade. That Steve guy, my Aunts husband has texted me these really angry messages saying I better pull up my grade or I won't be boarding anymore. I would practically die if that happened so El has been helping me by studying, and basically reteaching me the information I didn't bother to listen to in class.

"Shut up," I slapped her arm with the text book plopping it on the bed. I looked at the time and sighed in relief. I had an hour to get ready.

"Well, I'm going to dinner. Have fun with Niall tonight." She winked shutting the door behind her pulling her jacket over her arms. I rolled my eyes and started the water in the shower. The warm water trickled down my forearm and I got undressed leaving my clothing heaped up in a pile near the door.

I got dressed in a black and white patterned skirt, flats, a black sweater and a purple infinity scarf. I curled my hair and put on some light make up.

I decided to text Niall that I was ready so I could save the time of me nervousily bouncing my knee for him to come. I don't know why I got so angonizingly nervous when I was about to see him. Well maybe I do, but I wasn't just about to admit it to him.

I would see where things took us.

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