Chapter 37

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

Last day of school, finally. My alarm clock went off making me almost jump onto the floor. The sound echoed throughout my room as I kept my head in my pillow looking for the 'off' button. I let out an earthy groan seeing Eleanor was in the shower so I would have to wait. Niall & I were staying at my Aunts house for the rest of the week until our flight. Then we were meeting his Mum at the airport. Personally, I wasn't looking forward to staying there because of Steve. But Niall promised to not leave me like last time.

I pulled out my phone squinting at the bright screen. I had another text from Emma. We had been nonstop texting since prom last week. I mean, it technically made up for the lost months of no talks what-so-ever.

'Morning, Sunshine :)' I responded.

I turned on some one direction singing to LWWY and scrolled through my instagram. Niall had uploaded a picture of us with Harry & Lea at prom. He wrote, 'Awesome night, so glad to spend it with my love' I liked it and commented 'Love you too xx' I then received a message from Emma.

Emma: Morning! What are you up to?

Me: Laying in bed..detirming whether or not to go to school..

Emma: Last day of senior year girl! Brandon is taking me to six flags after school xx

Brandon was Emma's newish boyfriend, they were practically perfect for eachother. Both really quirky. She said she would bring him to england this summer so we could all go on a double date.

Me: I'm going to Bermuda..I win ;) Did you see Ni's instagram pic?

Emma: Yeah! Gurl, you looked gorrgg. Niall All the directioners are going insane about you two! You know they're calling you guys 'Ciall'?

Me: wOw. Who would ever think I would be in that place with a name like haylor, or nemi! I totally beat nemi ;) Well gotta go shower, Eleanor says hi!

Emma: Kaay, byee :)

I turned off my phone and grabbed a towel off of my bed. El was changing and scrolling through her twitter at the same time.

"Hey, El?" I asked gathering some clothing.


"I'm really going to miss you this summer."

"Awww, you too babe! Don't worry, I've been dieing to go back to the U.S. we can hang there"

"I'm actually staying here in England. I haven't exactly decided on the school. . but I'm going for writing."

"Thats an interesting major! But regardless, we will definitely see eachother." She smiled bringing me into a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks, El." I smiled into her shoulder then she released me.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"Hey, Babe." I greeted Caroline at lunch. She was sitting with El, Louis, Harry, and Lea. They were deep in some debate that I usually missed.

"Hey, Ni. Will you please tell Harry that calling a girl a 'foxy mama' is just creepy?"

"W-what?" I asked biting into my apple.

"I called Lea that & Caroline said it sounds sexist." Harry huffed.

"I like it," Lea shrugged. Caroline rolled her eyes, oh how Harry bothered her. She would complain about him on end for hours and hours. They just hit heads to easily.

"Come on guys, its our last day. Lets enjoy it! We're finally free." Louis cooed lifting up his arm still holding El's hand. Eleanor looked embarissed and pulled his arm back down whispering something in his ear.

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