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Neteyam felt something move in his arms and he started to open his eyes. Seeing Laya still sleeping, cradled in his arms, he smiled to himself. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. He felt his heart soar when he saw her smile. He loved this girl so much and was so glad that they were finally true partners, mates.

He felt her stir again and looked down at her. She opened her eyes and looked up at Neteyam.

"Heyy" She yawned. Neteyam smiled.

"Hey baby.." He adjusted a piece of hair out of her face. Laya blushed and hid her face in his arm.

"You can't call me that.." She blushed. Neteyam smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Why not?" Laya lifted her head and looked down, avoiding his glance.

She laughed, and Neteyam did too. "I don't know.. it makes me nervous." She looks up at him. "You make me nervous." He raised an eyebrow again.

She felt the blush burning across her face when she looked back up at him. "You're just so-" She huffed. "The way you say things make my head feel fuzzy." Neteyam smirked and pecked her on her lips. She let out a breath and leaned her head back.

"Does this make you feel nervous?" He said as he leaned his lips down to her neck and started to lightly press his lips against her skin. She swallowed and nodded. "Mhm.." She mumbled. Neteyam rested his hands on her hips and brought her closer.

"Y'know.." He mumbled. "You make me nervous too..." She felt a smile from across her face.

"Oh yeah?" She said, her voice just above a whisper. Neteyam move her face downwards and hovered his hips above hers.

Neteyam nodded and pressed his lips against hers. Laya raised her hands and rested them on his chest. They both sat up and adjusted. Laya wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him again. Neteyam groaned against her lips and tightened his hold on Laya's hips. Laya deepened their kiss and started to rock her hips against his. More and more friction was created between the two of them, and Laya was starting to feel the effects.

Neteyam felt her change in attitude and smiled against her lips. His hands started to drift upwards and felt her top. He started to adjust her top so it would come off, but then they heard somebody at the door.

A quick knock, then a voice followed.

"C'mon lovebirds, time for breakfast!" They heard Lo'ak call out. Neteyam dropped his hands away from Laya's shirt, separated himself from her, and groaned. Laya giggled and looked away. Neteyam stood up and got up from the bed.

"Coming!" He called out. He held out a hand to Laya and helped her up from the bed. She sent him a smile and got up from the bed. Then she looked down at her clothes that she'd been wearing ever since they left and sighed. "I should probably change.." Neteyam raised his eyebrows and sat back down on the bed. Leaning back, he had a smirk on her face.

"Okay." Was all he said.

Laya rolled her eyes and looked at the pouch she had brought yesterday. Knowing she was going to be exhausted and too tired to bring her bags, she had brought a change of clothes with her. She took out her top and laid it out on the bed. He eyed her as she inspected her top. Then she slipped her top off of her and looked back at Neteyam. While putting the shirt on, she chuckled.

"You enjoying the view?" She asked him. He smiled and nodded, a glint in his eyes. "Who wouldn't?" She rolled her eyes and slipped her other top on.

She changed her bottoms, and finally showed her new outfit to Neteyam.

"What do you think?" She asked him. He smiled. "You look gorgeous" He stood up and held her hips, bringing her closer to him. He cleared his throat.

"I have to warn you Laya..." He looked down. "This place is very different than what you're used to. I want you to be comfortable. And safe." Laya looked up at him and nodded. "I also want you to make friends, enjoy life here." He sighed and looked at her, trying to read her emotions.

She bit her cheek and nodded. "I know, I'll be fine" She tried to reassure him. She leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him, then led him outside of their room.

They walked into the living room of the Sully home and saw Neytiri and Jake setting up their stuff, Lo'ak being dragged around by Tuk, and Kiri leaning against the wall. Neteyam smiled and walked to his parents. Laya followed him, their hands still intertwined.

Jake saw them approaching and smiled. "If it isn't the two lovers. You guys want some food?" Laya nodded, grabbing the food that Neytiri handed to her. Neytiri threw the girl a smile and gestured to the pit that was in the middle of the room. Laya separated her hand from Neteyam and sat down where Neytiri gestured. Neytiri joined her and warmly smiled at her.

"How're you doing Rolayea?" She asked the young girl. Laya looked down.

"I'm okay, a little nervous, a little scared." She shrugged and started to eat her food. Neytiri comfortingly rubbed Laya's arm and nudged her.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay. You're not the first outsider these people have seen." She looked to her partner, who was currently fighting with Neteyam about how much food he could have. Laya smiled at Neytiri and nodded. Neytiri took a bite of the food she was eating.

"Plus, Neteyam won't let anybody hurt you." She looked to her first born son. "He's loyal-" She nudged Laya. "And if he does anything to hurt you, I'll rough him up." Laya laughed and sent a look of appreciation to Neytiri, who returned the look and took another bite of her food. Laya also returned to her food.

Neteyam, winning the argument he was in with his dad, moved to sit next to Laya. He threw a smile at her and saw the nerves running across her face. He put his hand on her knee and squeezed it. "Hey." He looked at her. "You're gonna be fine." Laya shrugged and just looked down. She suddenly got very insecure about her seashell and netting top. Neteyam saw this and whispered in her ear. "You look great. Don't even worry about it." Laya shrugged again and took the last bite of her food. Neteyam chowed his food down and started talking to Kiri.

"Can we show Laya the mountains? Or the different islands?" Neteyam said. Kiri nodded, excitement in her eyes. "Yes that'd be so fun!" Tuk broke into the conversation. "Waittt I wanna show her the villageee." Laya laughed at Tuk and winked at her. Tuk smiled.

"Laya, what do you want to do?" Tuk asked her. Laya thought about it for a second then smiled. "Well... I have to do what my favorite Sully wants to do.." She looked at Neteyam, but then at Tuk. Tuk squealed and hugged Laya. "I knew it! C'mon, let's go!" She grabbed Laya's arm and tugged her towards the rest of the village. Laya smiled and looked at Neteyam.

"She's your favorite Sully, really?" He asked her with a smirk on his face. She stuck her tongue out at him and followed Tuk.

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