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They walked back to the village, Laya holding both of their bows. She looked at Neteyam and brushed her hair out of her face. She leaned in and kissed his cheek, causing him to style. Laya could tell he was a little down today, so she made it her goal to cheer him up.

"Okay, I say we drop this off at home then..." She smiled. "Then we go on a date."

Neteyam raised his eyebrow. "A date?" Laya nodded her head and put her hands on his chest.

Neteyam smirked and brought her closer. "We've never been on an official date before..."

Laya pecked his cheek. She leaned into his ear. "We haven't... nows our chance..."

He smirked and lifted his finger to her cheek. "Where do you wanna go?"

She shrugged. "You don't know any spots around here?"

Neteyam thought for a second, then smiled. "Yea, come on-" He grabbed her arm and led them through the thick forest. Laya giggled as she was dragged through a multitude of trees.

She maneuvered her way through the forest, now getting the hang of the running through trees.  She followed Neteyam until he suddenly stopped. Slamming into his side, Laya let out a yelp. She immediately apologized. "I'm so sorry-" Neteyam waved her off and helped her off off the log they were on. She stepped down and looked around her.

Immediately, she was blown away. In the thick of the forest, a few rays of light poked through the leaves above and made the floor glisten. A waterfall was on their right, and had a decent-sized pool at the end of it. To the left was a single swing, roughly made with twine and wood.

Neteyam walked her down to the swing and smiled. "What do you think?"

Laya smiled with amazement. "It's beautiful- incredible." She looked back to Neteyam.

He smiled down at her and brought her closer, his hand resting on her waist. She brushed her hair back and rested her hands on his chest. He leaned in and kissed her. She leaned back and let Neteyam hold her back as he tipped forward. She squealed and felt him smile against her lips. He backed up from the kiss and looked down at her. Her eyes twinkled as she stared back up at him. She raised her hand and brushed his braids out of his face. He brought her back up and led her to the swing.

"After you..."

She laughed and sat down on the swing. He smiled as he pushed her on the swing, making her swing forward and backward. Laya enjoyed the feeling of the wind on her face and smiled as she was swinging. Neteyam watched her, a warm feeling filling his chest.

After a few minutes of this, Laya slowed herself down. Neteyam watched her as she hopped off the swing and kissed him again. He gladly accepted it and ran his hands through her hair.

"So.." He mumbled against her lips. "Hmm?" She replied. He backed up from her face.

"Wanna take a dip in the water?"

She smirked. "When do I not?"

He interlaced their hands and brought her down to the pool. She slowly stepped in and felt the familiar feeling of water press against her skin. It was colder than she was used to, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. Then she looked down at her clothes.

"These aren't waterproof" She frowned. She was wearing a piece Neytiri had made for her, combined with feathers and leaves. All of which was not waterproof.

Neteyam smirked. "Well-" He shrugged. "Looks like you'll have to take it off."

She looked at Neteyam and eyed him. "You planned this, didn't you?"

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