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Foh'la finally wanted to start her plan. Once the whole group had arrived to the waterfall, she knew that it was almost time. She looked at Laya, who was admiring the view, then at Neteyam, who was hugging her from behind. He rested his head on her shoulder and was whispering things in her ear. She was giggling, and Foh'la felt herself get angrier and angrier.

Laya thought the view was beautiful. She loved the waterfall and the sprays of water that fell on her face. She also really enjoyed Neteyam's arms around her, and his whispering things in her ear. All dirty of course, but what could she say. They were newly mates, they couldn't help it.

Laya felt better about the Foh'la situation ever since her and Neteyam had discussed it and seen what the other was thinking. She couldn't lie and say that she didn't have slight trust issues, but she trusted Neteyam. She knew that he'd never entertain Foh'la, but there was always a part of her that worried their history was going to beat her and Neteyam's relationship. Regardless, she was starting to feel better about living there, Foh'la and all.

Laya turned to Neteyam and smiled at him. He smiled back at her and kissed her cheek. "Hey-" Neteyam said. "So I was thinking.. once we tell my parents about being mates.." He kissed her other cheek.

"We could get our own hut.."

Laya excitedly smiled at him and nodded.

"I'd love that-" Her eyes widened. "We could get some decorations from the ocean-"

She turned around, his hands still on her waist but this time she was facing him.

"We could even bring some seashells-" Neteyam smiled down at her, excited she was so enthusiastic about it.

"Then some netting!-" She kept rambling about things she could bring in, and Neteyam knew this would be something that could give her a reminder of home. Laya stopped her rambling and looked up at him.

"Thank you." She said. Neteyam smiled, then leaned down and kissed her.

From the side, Foh'la still inspected them. She didn't hear what they were talking about, but she knew it must've been good news, for them at least. She saw Neteyam kissing her and was immediately ticked off. Now was time for her plan.

She walked up to the couple, who were still making out, and coughed. Laya backed up from Neteyam and cleared her throat. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and looked at Foh'la. Neteyam just groaned and roll his eyes at her.

"What's up?" Laya asked Foh'la. Neteyam kept his hold on Laya's waist, holding her close. Foh'la looked at Neteyam and rolled her eyes.

"Chill Netty- I just wanna talk to Laya." She paused. "Privately."

Neteyam scoffed. "No."

"I wasn't asking you" She said to Neteyam then looked at Laya. "It'll be quick- I promise." Laya gave her a friendly smile.

"Sure." She stepped away from Neteyam, who just gave her a look.

Neteyam knew Foh'la had something planned. He looked at Laya, grabbing her hands. "Laya- trust me. Don't-" Laya shook her head at him. "I can handle myself 'teyam. I'll be okay." She smiled at him and let go of his hands. He watched as she went to Foh'la, who just winked at him. This couldn't be good.

Foh'la and Laya walked away from the waterfall into the forest.

"So.." Laya tried to fill the silence. "What's up?" Foh'la looked back and made sure they were far from where they originated.

"I just wanted to warn you-" She gestured to the two of them. "From girl to girl." Laya raised an eyebrow but waited for her to go on.

"Neteyam-" She paused. "He's tricky. Not very trustworthy." She turned away from Laya. "When him and I dated... " This caught Laya's attention. "He ended up cheating on me."

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