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Lo'ak called it in to his father, but meanwhile Neteyam looked around. He knew he should track it, but he wanted to get everybody out of there first.

Looking around, he saw Foh'la and Lo'ak.

"Where is everybody?" Neteyam said. Foh'la walked closer and looked around. She just shrugged. Neteyam rolled his eyes, then Lo'ak turned to him.

"Okay, Dad's on his way. He told us to get out of here." Lo'ak turned around to Neteyam. He looked around.

"Where is everybody?" Neteyam shrugged. He walked out to where he saw Laya walk off to and strained his ears for any sign of noise. Suddenly he heard a very faint yip. He turned to Lo'ak who had just heard the same thing.

"Is it them?" He asked him.Lo'ak nodded and looked at the track. "Shit- the track is leading to the sound." Neteyam groaned and started running through the forest to the origin of the noise. He really hoped it wasn't what he thought it was.

As he navigated through the forest, he looked behind him and saw Lo'ak and Foh'la following. He looked back in front of him and got a whiff of a foreign smell. He figured it was the avatars and immediately started climbing a tree, jumping from branch to branch.

He got to the top and looked down, smelling the stench from before. Lo'ak and Foh'la followed suit. They all looked down and saw the avatars with the three girls. Neteyam felt the blood drain from his face as he saw the unknown avatars holding Kiri, Tuk, and Laya at knifepoint. He didn't recognize the avatars, but he recognized the logo on their uniforms.

Were they never going to stop?

Neteyam thought that they scared Quaritch off, maybe this was the remainders of the crew?

He saw Laya be forced down on her knees with a knife to her neck, Kiri being held tightly by her braid also with a knife to her neck, and Tuk was being held up and rendered useless.

Laya hissed at the avatars. It had all happened so fast. One moment they were looking at the plants and the next avatars had them with a knife to their neck. Laya had done her best to protect Tuk, but she failed.

When they initially grabbed the group of girls, Laya resisted and was able to push down an avatar. She quickly jumped up and grabbed Tuk, going to help Kiri, but she was pushed down. She shoved Tuk forward and told her to run but one of the avatars grabbed her and hold her up in the air.

To make matters worse, she had no idea what they were saying. There weren't very moments she wished she knew English but whenever she was held at knifepoint, she suddenly figured that now would be a nice time to know the language. This was the second time she had that desire. They would bark things at her and she would have no idea what to do to make them stop. She pleaded at them in Na'vi, but they simply laughed at her.

"Look at this one-" One of them called to the others. The others looked to the foreign Na'vi and smirked.

"She's so... green." One of them said.

"Sure is pretty though."

"You think we could bring her home?" They laughed. Neteyam felt anger boil up and was tempted to jump down there, but he knew to wait for his parents.

Laya hissed at them and started swearing at them in Na'vi.

One of the avatars waved a hand in her face and smirked at her.

"No hablas ingles?" He said mockingly. She spit in his face and hissed.

Then Laya took a deep breath, and recognized the familiar smell. She hid her smile. She knew who was hiding in the tree above her. The avatars were far too dumb to recognize individual smells, but she knew. Laya looked to Tuk, who had tears streaming down her face. She called Tuk's name and tried to calm her down.

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