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AUTHORS NOTE: Smut ahead! Skip to next chapter if you want to skip it.

Laya and Ayakam spent the rest of the day learning all the different plants that were common in the Pandora forest. By the time they finally walked back to the village, it was getting darker and darker. Eclipse had already happened, so Laya was happy to go home.

They walked back and Ayakam kept the conversation going.

"So I was telling her- absolutely not. She never believed me."

Laya laughed and ran her hand through her hair. She looked at the Sully home and saw the door open.

Then Neteyam walk out.

He saw her and lit up. He walked a little faster, ignoring Ayakam completely. He embraced her and picked her up, spinning her around in a circle. She let out a squeal and tightened her grip on him. He put her down and smiled at her. He brought his hand up to the side of her face and kissed her gently.

Next to them Ayakam looked around awkwardly. He saw Neteyam back up from Laya and look at her. He rolled his eyes. "Alright- I'm leaving. Bye Laya."

Laya turned to the side and smiled at him.

"Bye Ayakam. See you later-" Suddenly Neteyam kissed her cheek and she squealed again.

Turning back to face him, Laya saw the look in Neteyam's eyes. Laya could read what he was feeling and saw that Neteyam felt a little jealous. It must've been because of her hanging out with Ayakam all day, so she decided to make him feel better. She separated from him but interlaced their fingers together.

"Neteyam-" She whispered in his ear. He looked at her and listened intently.

"Let's go in our bedroom-" She looked up at him. Neteyam instantly nodded. He rushed to their room with her hand in tow. As she felt him hurry to their room, she laughed to herself. He stepped in the room and closed the door after her. She was going to say something when she saw Neteyam step closer and tower over her.

He didn't waste much time because he grabbed her waist and easily picked her up. She yelped and wrapped her arms and legs around him. He set her down on the bed and started work on her neck. Laya giggled and tilted her head up. With the old hickies starting to fade, he started to form new ones.

"Neteyam-" She groaned. He tightened his grip on her and brought her even closer. She could feel how much he wanted her at this moment. Whether sexually or not, she could tell he needed her. He brought his lips up to her ear and worked his hands down her body.

"Fuck- Laya-" He looked down at her. "I've been thinking about you all day-" Laya brought her hands down his chest.

"And I couldn't stop thinking about you with him-" Neteyam growled. He kissed her neck.

"Neteyam-" She breathed. "Fuck..." His touch set her skin on fire. Neteyam stopped and moved up to her face.

"Say my name again." He said, his voice rough. She looked at him.

"Neteyam-" She whispered. "Fuck me Neteyam-"

His head was on fire. He was sick of seeing her with him. She was his girlfriend. He was her boyfriend. They were each others. Not Ayakam's. No matter how nice Ayakam was, he was sick of seeing them spend more time together than he did with Laya.

"I'm not doing anything tomorrow-" He whispered. She raised an eyebrow at him. "No patrolling? No training?" He shook his head.

"The world could burn tomorrow and I'd still want to hang out with you over anything" He smiled at her. She smiled back.

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