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Jake had arrived to the scene, and looked down at the two soldiers. "Fuck." He mumbled under his breath, and squatted down to the soldiers. He inspected their uniforms. He didn't think it was the RDA, because the patch was ripped off of where it usually was. Quaritch must have separated from them and gotten his own group.

Neteyam held Laya's hand tightly and kept her next to him.

Jake stood up and looked at Neteyam. "Did you see anybody else?" Neteyam shook his head. J

ake sighed, then held his hand up to his temple. His mind was racing, and he thought of what to do. He looked back at Laya and Neteyam and sighed.

"Go home. I'll figure this out."

Neteyam stepped forward. "Sir I can help-"

Jake gave Neteyam a look, and Neteyam looked down at the floor and nodded. "Yes sir."

Neteyam gave Laya a small smile and started the walk back to the village.

"If it helps anything-" Laya looked at him. "I had a good time."

Neteyam smiled at her. "I'm glad. Hopefully next time we won't have people trying to kill us."

Laya laughed. "Then where would the excitement be?"

Neteyam nodded. "True."

He looked back to the house and led her there. "I'm gonna go help my dad. I'll be back okay?" Laya nodded.

"Okay-" She kissed him quickly. "Love you- be safe."

He nodded and walked back to where his father was. Laya sighed and walked inside the house. She saw Kiri and Tuk sitting on the ground, joking about something.

"Laya!" Tuk exclaimed. Laya smiled at the young girl and walked forward. Tuk put her hands on her hips and huffed.

"You took forever. I almost thought you forgot about our hair appointment!"

Laya shook her head. "Definitely not. I'd never forget."

Tuk nodded. "Good. Sit down-" She started grabbing her tools. Laya obediently sat down and faced the other way so she could work on her hair.

Neytiri walked into the room with a basket on her hip and raised an eyebrow at the young girl. Laya shrugged. "I promised her she could do my hair."

Neytiri laughed. "Ah yes.. good luck."

Laya raised an eyebrow, but Neytiri ignored her and moved to the center of the room. She brought out her healing supplies and laid them out on the ground. Kiri sat down next to her mother and starting talking to her. Laya suddenly felt Tuk tugging at her hair.

"Ow!" Laya exclaimed. Tuk scoffed. "Don't be a baby. Beauty hurts."

Laya rolled her eyes and looked down at her hands. She picked at her nails while Tuk was yanking and pulling her hair.

After a lot of pain and tugging, Tuk backed up from Laya. "Done!"

Laya felt her head and smiled. "Good job Tuk."

She moved to the water outside of their house and looked in her reflection. Her hair was up, but a single braid went down the center of her hair into her ponytail. She nodded, then turned back to Tuk, who was waiting anxiously.

"I love it!"

Tuk squealed and rushed forward. Laya hugged the young girl and picked her up, swinging her in a circle. She put her down and smiled. Tuk smiled and ran off to Neytiri.

"Come look at Laya's hair! It was done by me obviously."

Neytiri and Kiri stood up and walked over to Laya. They saw her and smiled. "It looks great." Neytiri said. Kiri looked at her and smiled. "You're so pretty Laya." Laya smiled at Kiri and Neytiri.

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