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Laya felt the familiar burn in her arms as she aimed her arrow one last time. They had been doing this all day and she was exhausted. She released the arrow and heard the thud of it landing in the tree. She huffed and turned to face Ayakam.

"I'm done.." She wiped the sweat off her forehead. "It's hot and I'm sweaty."

Ayakam raised an eyebrow at her. "So you're giving up?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not giving up- I'm just tired. I'll practice more tomorrow."

He shrugged. "I can't help tomorrow- I have plans."

She nodded. "I'll just find someone else."

He nodded then helped her with her bow. "I can carry it back. You're right- we've been doing this for forever. Let's go." She nodded and started the walk back.

They talked as they made their way back. "So teach. How did I do?" She nudged him and laughed. He looked down at the floor and laughed.

Shrugging at her, he smiled. "You're okay I guess-"

She rolled her eyes and looked down at her arms. "I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow."

He smirked at her. "At least you'll finally grow some muscle."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "I already do- I'm literally stronger than you-"

He scoffed. "Definitely not." She rolled her eyes and walked off.

He scoffed then chased after her. "At least take your bow!" He yelled after her.

She turned around and looked at him, a bored look on her face. "Bye-" She said then turned around and walked back to the house.

He watched her as she walked off. Muttering something to himself, he turned himself around and walked back to his home.

Laya held the bow around her back and let out a sigh of relief as she opened the front door. She heard the sounds of Tuk laughing and Neteyam yelling. She looked at the living room and saw Tuk play fighting with Neteyam. They were using wooden spears and Neteyam was obviously losing.

"You're going down Netty!" She squealed.

She jumped forward and poked his shoulder with her spear. He dramatically held a hand over the 'wound' and fell down to the ground. He let out a yell and pretended to be dead.

Laya smirked and walked to their room to put her bow away.

Neteyam saw this and jumped up and smiled at her. "You're home! How was it?"

She smiled back and showed him her raw hands. "Tiring. Boring. Lame. Fun. All the above."

He laughed and nodded. Bringing her in, he kissed her gently. "I'm glad you had a good time."

She nodded and ran a hand down her face. "I'm super sweaty though so I'm going to wash off."

He nodded and went back to his 'fight' with Tuk.

Before Laya walked in the room she backed up and looked at the two.

Eyeing Neteyam, she spoke up. "Aren't you supposed to be 'taking it easy'?"

He bit his lip and looked at Tuk, then back at Laya again. "I'm fine, really."

Laya motioned down to his still healing wound.

He shrugged. "Mom's healing me. I'm fine- I just have to beat Tuk!" He suddenly grabbed his wooden spear and threw it to the space next to her, pretending to miss. She laughed at him and charged at him, but he turned around and she jumped on his back.

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