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Neteyam stepped away from the sleeping Laya and sighed. He had had a long day. He ran his hand through his hair and walked back out to his father.

"Is she-?" His father started. Neteyam shook his head and waved him off. "She's fine, just tired." Jake nodded and motioned to the seat next to him. Neteyam sat down and looked expectantly at his father.

"So.. our patrol today.." Jake started. Neteyam looked down and bit the inside of his cheek. They had found more footsteps in the outside mountains. The footsteps were definitely not anybody's in the clan, so Jake and Neteyam assumed they were Quaritch.

"Any idea on how he survived?" Neteyam asked. Jake shrugged. "I only survived because Lo'ak saved me. Someone must've saved him." Neteyam nodded. He leaned back in thought.

"Maybe it was one of his squad members. What if you guys didn't kill them all?" Jake shrugged. "Maybe." He sighed. "All I know is that we're in danger. We need to kill him." He looked to his son and saw the look on his face. Neteyam was obviously annoyed and Jake could guess at what he was annoyed about. Jake sighed again.

"I know you're upset about me assigning Ayakam to Laya but.." He paused. "He's the only soldier who isn't on patrols constantly. He works better with plants than with a spear. And right now, we need every fighter we can get." He eyed Neteyam.

"Especially you. As much as I know you want to develop your relationship with Laya, I'm gonna need you to do more patrols and train the others."

Neteyam looked down at his hands, picking at one of his scabs. Of course he wanted to help his clan, but he was just recently mated. He wanted to do nothing more than sleep next to Laya, make her breakfast, show her around the forest, and now he was being told he had to go on patrols daily and train others? And now she was hanging out with another boy? He wasn't necessarily jealous, he just wished he could show her himself.

"I don't have a choice do I.." He didn't meet his father's eyes. Jake sighed.

"None of us have a choice till these people are killed." Neteyam clenched his jaw and looked up at his father.

"Okay." He said. "I'll do it." Jake smiled and pat his son on the back. Jake then stood up and walked into his room, leaving Neteyam in the living room all by himself. Neteyam angrily huffed and stormed into his room. He took off his accessories and looked at his bed.

Laya was holding her pillow in her arms, and had the blanket pulled up to her waist. He sighed but felt himself relax. He quietly made his way to the bed and gently lifted the pillow she was gripping so he could fit on the bed. She softened her grip and moved her hand to where Neteyam now laid. Still asleep, she let go of the pillow and put it down. Then she moved her head so it was resting on his chest and she moved closer to him. Neteyam looked down at his girlfriend and smiled. He kissed her forehead and rested his head back. Before he fell asleep, he heard her whisper. "Neteyam-" He looked at her, but she didn't say anything else. He smiled to himself, then fell asleep.

The Next Morning

Laya felt a pair of lips kiss her forehead, and she opened her eyes. Immediately the light blinded her, and she rubbed her eyes and sat up. She saw Neteyam smiling down at her, and she frowned.

"It's too bright in here." She grumbled. He smirked and sat next to her, putting his arm around her. She moved her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. A moment passed. He looked down at her, but looked up and sighed.

"I'm sorry Laya but I have to go-" He frowned at her. She opened her eyes again and grabbed his arm before he was able to retract it from her.

"You were gone yesterday-" She groaned. She pulled him towards her and he chuckled. She put her hand on the side of his face and kissed him. He moved back on the bed and kissed her back. They separated and he let out a sigh.

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