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AUTHORS NOTE: Ik I said I wouldn't release this too early, but I just couldn't help as I wrote the whole chapter last night. Also, some scenes in here that you guys haven't seen because I deleted them and put them in my notes. Hope you enjoy :)

Laya stepped forward, enjoying the warmth of Neytiri's arms. "You're ready?" She asked the young girl, yet not really seeming to care for an answer. The ritual was set up, the whole village was waiting. Laya didn't really have the option to back out. Nevertheless, she nodded.

With Neteyam and the rest of the family following behind, Neytiri led Laya to the center of the village. Looking around, Laya made eye contact with the Olo'eyktan, the same one who encouraged her flying. He gave her a kind smile, which she greatly appreciated.

As she stepped closer, she could practically feel the eyes burn into her. Whether the expressions were curious, anger, or simple carelessness, she accepted them.

She walked deeper into the village, eventually going at the center of the village. She felt like she was about to puke, but pushed on. This moment would determine everything, her future, her family, even her life.

Suddenly, a voice rang out in the crowd. Not a yell, but a song. A beautiful song. Then the Olo'eyktan spoke out.

"We are here to watch a newcomer become a part of us." He said strongly. "We are here, to embrace a warrior." He looked to his side and made eye contact with her. He offered her another smile. "A warrior who has been through many battles, like the one Jake Sully fought at, at the Metkayina lands." He turns back to the crowd. "Where she saved one of our own, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan. Please step forward, Neteyam."

Neteyam walked past her, giving her one last comforting squeeze on her shoulder, and made his way to the Olo'eyktan. "Tell us of the story of how she saved you."

Neteyam smiled and looked out to the crowd. "I was shot. Right here." He pointed at his chest, pointer finger on his scar. "Went through my body, out the other side. But she-" He looked at her, a small smile on his lips. "She tried everything. In the rush of the battle, she tried herbs, medicine, and found none worked."

He paused, slowly taking a breath. "Until she called upon Eywa, who allowed her to transfer parts of her own energy into me. Saving me." He looked back to the crowd. "She didn't hesitate to give herself up for me."

He looked to Laya again. "We share souls, ma-Laya. Eywa deems it so."

He stepped back into the crowd, his eyes glistening with pure love. Laya didn't get a chance to respond as the Olo'eyktan spoke up again. "So she's proven herself. She's tamed an ikran, learnt to live as one of us, I say it's her time to become one of us, truly one of us." He turned to her. "We have the supplies. Please, join us."

Laya nodded and took a step forward, then another. Eventually she landed in front of him, her cheeks still slightly burning from Neteyam's speech. The Olo'eyktan gave her one last soft smile. "I welcome you with open arms, my child." He whispered to her, then took out an arachnid.

"This will bite you, and you will let the poison enter your blood stream. Then, you will eat this-" He held up a glowing worm. "And you will go through the eye of Eywa. If you return, you will be welcome into The People with open arms, but if you do not.." His voice trailed off, but he snapped back to her. "Then you will die." Laya nodded, understanding the consequences.

So he lifted his hand that contained the arachnid, and released it onto her arm. Laya swallowed and clenched her fists as it slowly moved up to her shoulder, then down to her elbow. Settling on her elbow, it suddenly let out a sound, similar to a hiss, then bit her.

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