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Neteyam walked back to the house, trying to seem as normal as he could. He walked inside the door and saw Laya and Tuk eating all of the food Kiri made them.

"Save some for me!" He exclaimed.

Laya rolled her eyes. "We've hardly eaten any-"

She looked down at the nearly empty bowl. She laughed and looked back at Neteyam. She stepped up and wandered over to him. She pointed to the door, and they walked out. Luckily, nobody was outside. It was getting dark, so families had started to retreat to their beds.

"You look- flushed." She tilted her head at him, a smirk on her face.

He nonchalantly shrugged. "You make me nervous, what can I say... I'm a fragile boy."

She looked down at his leg and smirked again. "What's that- on your leg?" She wiped the white liquid off of his leg and showed it to him. He licked his lips and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Taste it. I'm sure you'll love it."

She raised both of her eyebrows at him and brought her finger to her mouth. Just as she was about to lick it off, she wiped it on him. He backed up and threw his arms up in defense.

"Gross!" He exclaimed. She laughed at him, but he quickly retaliated as he grabbed her and threw her across his back. She yelped as he held onto her legs, and she hung hopelessly from his back.

"I hate it when you hold me like this-" She huffed. Neteyam chuckled. "I know-" He dropped her on the ground.

Then he leaned into her ear. "But that's what you deserve."

She scoffed at him and pushed him back. "Don't you have to go patrolling?"

He feigned fake hurt as he put his hand on his chest. "Don't you love my company?"

She rolled her eyes. "Go shoot some arrows or something-"

He suddenly leaned in and kissed her. "If you say so... goodbye baby.." He tenderly squeezed her hand and started to walk away.

Laya's face softened as she pulled him back. "That's not fair-" She groaned.

He chuckled as he put his hands back on her waist and kissed her again. "What- calling you baby?"

She looked up at him and huffed. "I need something to call you."

He raised an eyebrow. "Neteyam isn't good enough for you?"

She shook her head. "No. Everybody calls you that. I need a name for you that only I use." She traced her finger on his chest.


He furrowed his brows and furiously shook his head. "That's terrible. Never say that again."

She giggled and poked his cheek. "Yam-yam it is."

He huffed. "Please no-" He let out a whine.

"It's so cute though."

Neteyam rolled his eyes. "I call you baby and you call me yam-yam? How is that fair?"

She smirked. "Fine. I'll figure something out." She looked back at the house. "Your dad will come back soon and want to go patrolling. C'mon, you need to eat something first." She tugged at his arm and led him inside.

He followed her as she sat him down on the floor and grabbed a bowl of left overs. Using the same knife that Kiri used before, she cut up a few more fruits and handed it to Neteyam.

"Eat it. I'll be back." She walked off.

Neteyam ate the food that she made him and leaned back against the wall. Out of nowhere, Lo'ak and Spider ran through the door.

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