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AUTHORS NOTE: As an apology for not posting yesterday, smut at the end of the chapter (you're welcome)

Walking through the forest, Laya was itching to throw her spear. It felt so natural in her hand and after months of her adapting to the forest, her old life called to her like never before.

"Almost there!" Benity squealed.

Neteyam eyed Ayakam as he followed Benity, averting his eyes away from the couple. Neteyam looked at Laya and smiled. He squeezed her hand and felt the excitement thrumming off of her.

"Alright-" Benity stopped and pointed at the branches of a tree. "Whoever can hit the highest one wins-" They all nodded and started preparing themselves.

Ayakam walked over to Laya. "Do you know how to throw a-?"

Neteyam stepped in front of her and looked at Ayakam. "She knows." He held a hand out, motioning for Ayakam to stop.

Ayakam ignored Neteyam and looked past Neteyam's shoulder to Laya. "I can help you if you want."

Neteyam scoffed and narrowed his eyes at him. He was about to speak when Laya smirked and put a hand on his shoulder. "I won't need it."

Ayakam eyed the two then turned around and walked over to Benity. Neteyam huffed and turned to Laya. She giggled. "Are you done?" She smiled up at him.

He sighed and ran a hand through his braids. "I'm sorry. Something took over me and I just couldn't-" He groaned.

Laya interlaced their hands and pulled him closer. "It's okay.." She went up on her tippy toes and whispered into his ear. "It was pretty hot- not gonna lie."

A smile grew on his face. "Yeah?"

She nodded. "Yeah- now let's show them what Sully's are made of." He smirked and looked back to Benity and Ayakam. "Let's make it more interesting. Whaddya think of teams?"

Benity looked at Ayakam and Neteyam, a thought popping in her bed. "Sounds fun, I'm in."

Ayakam looked hesitantly at Neteyam, who had a devilish smirk on his face. "Okay/" Ayakam said. "Let's do it."

Neteyam nodded at the two and looked back at Laya. "Sully's against you two." He motioned for Laya to come and stand next to him. She scampered over, her spear in hand, and started looking up the tree. "Highest branch equals winner-" Benity repeated.

Looking to Ayakam for confirmation, Benity went first. She held her arm back, spear in hand, and threw it as high as she could. It cut through the air until it finally landed on a branch barely above the middle height of the trees. "Boom!" She called out. "Let's see you beat that!" She wiggled her eyebrows at Neteyam and motioned for him to step up.

"I will beat that." Neteyam said pretentiously. Ayakam rolled his eyes and leaned back on a tree. He watched closely as Neteyam held his spear back, then threw it forward. Unsurprisingly, it soared through the air and landed just above Benity's with a thud.

He chuckled and looked back at Benity, taunting her. "Oh, do you see that? I believe that it's above yours-"

Benity rolled her eyes and waved him away. "Oh whatever- I didn't ask-"

Neteyam laughed as he walked back to Laya, who was clapping. "Impressive." She said to him.

He shrugged. "You'll do better, I know it."

She crossed her arms and nodded. "Probably." She said teasingly and nudged him, motioning for him to look as Ayakam took his turn.

He held his spear back, then threw it. It sprung out of his hands and flew up, then landed directly next to Neteyam's. Ayakam wordlessly went and sat down on the ground. Neteyam stood up straighter, but didn't clap.

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