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Foh'la was determined. Her and Neteyam were perfect for each other, how could he not see that? She didn't really care for the other girl. Foh'la assumed they had just gotten together, so there was still room to make Neteyam realize who his true lover was. The whole clan knew they were destined together.

Ever since he had left she realized how much she missed him, and was waiting patiently for him to come back. Upon seeing him help that other girl down from his Ikran, she felt a knife in her heart.

Sure the girl was pretty, but certainly not prettier than her. Certainly not as fast or as navigable through the forest as she was. Certainly not a better match for Neteyam than her.

She figured that when she went over she'd make that clear to Neteyam. Turns out he liked the other girl a lot, but that would all be fixed.

Foh'la had a plan.

So, the next day, she decided to play nice to them. Walking up to the Sully family who was meeting the rest of the villagers, she approached Neteyam and Laya. She noticed Neteyam's hand on Laya's back, but she didn't think anything of it.

"Hey strangers." She smiled at them.

She saw Neteyam roll his eyes, but Laya just smiled at her.

"Do you guys want to go see the waterfall on that island a few miles away? It's pretty cool." She looked at Neteyam. He instinctively held Laya closer to him, but his face didn't react.

Next to them, Lo'ak joined the conversation and nodded.

"I'm down! Kiri-" He got her attention and waved her over. "-you in?"

Kiri shrugged, but ultimately nodded. "Sounds good, I'm in." Lo'ak looked at his older brother and nudged him. "C'mon bro, let's show Laya the sights!" Neteyam slowly smiled and finally gave up. "Fine" He looked at Laya, who nodded. "We're in!"

Kiri rolled her eyes. "Look how the two don't even have to speak- how gross-" Neteyam ruffled Kiri's hair and laughed at her.

"It's okay to be jealous Kiri, we all know you had a thing for Au'nong-" Kiri's eyes went wide as she slapped his chest. "You weren't supposed to say anything skxawng!"

He chuckled at her and shrugged. "Oops!"

Laya eyed Kiri and smirked. "Au'nong huh? I can talk to him if you want-" Kiri quickly cut her off. "Stop! Nope! Enough!" She shouted and started walking off.

Neteyam laughed but chased after her. "Kiri! Wait! I was kidding-" Laya watched as Neteyam caught up to her and dragged her back, laughing at the classic sibling interaction.

Meanwhile Tuk snuck up behind them and looked at Laya. "Where're you guys going?" She asked her innocently. Laya smiled at the young girl. "We're gonna go to a waterfall, you wanna come?" Tuk smiled and nodded. Laya offered her her hand, which Tuk happily accepted.

Foh'la looked at the young girl holding Laya's hand and rolled her eyes. She had tried multiple times in the past to befriend Tuk but she always had a grudge against her. Foh'la still didn't know why.

Once Neteyam had successfully dragged Kiri back and he saw Tuk holding Laya's hand, a smile formed on his face. He was so happy that his family was accepting her, it made his heart swell.

"Let's go-" Lo'ak yelled out to the group. Neteyam chuckled and looked at his younger brother. "There's no time rush calm down baby bro-" Lo'ak groaned and walked away. Neteyam smiled and waited for Laya and Tuk to catch up to him. Once they had successfully caught up Tuk eyed the two of them.

'You guys are different-" She looked at Neteyam, then at Laya. Neteyam raised an eyebrow at his younger sister then looked at Laya. "What do you mean?" He asked her. Tuk shrugged. "I dunno- you just are." Tuk went back to looking around them, but Neteyam and Laya just looked at each other.

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