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AUTHORS NOTE: Be honest guys- do you guys like the smut warnings? Tbh I think they kinda ruin the surprise of there being smut. Anyways, smut warning ig

The past couple days had been a flurry of events. Once Laya had been officially enacted as "One of the People", serious steps went towards the mating ceremony for her and Neteyam. They had finally got the response from Laya's family, who said that they would be coming. 

This excited Laya to beyond belief. She would finally be seeing them, after a long three months. She practically squealed to Neteyam when they had first gotten the message. 

And then, they had finally gotten their own hut together. It was a couple minute walk away from Jake and Neytiri's, but they didn't mind. The first couple days they first moved in, they spent decorating. 

They flew around the forest, finding all sorts of beautiful rocks and plants to decorate the insides. Laya had even gotten some seashells out to hang up on the walls. She finally felt at home there. Neteyam also, behind Laya's back, had gotten a few pictures of them together and printed them out. 

He had Norm teach him how to use the camera, but he snuck a picture of her sleeping on his chest, her hanging up the shells, and a picture of them kissing. He put them all next to their bed and awaited for her to return from their living room. 

Laya walked in, her eyes immediately drifting to the new additions on the night stand. "What're these?" She said as she sat on the bed and grabbed the picture frames. Inside she saw the adorable pictures, filled with her and Neteyam's love for each other. "How did you-?" She turned to Neteyam, who was smiling wildly. "I have my ways.." He said as he leaned in and kissed her. 

She bashfully blushed as he rested his hands on her hips. He separated his lips from hers and simply stared at her, adoration swimming in his eyes. "Thank you." She whispered. "For what?" She smiled. "For this-" She looked at the decorations that filled their new home. "For letting me bring a piece of my home here." He nodded. "Of course. Anything for you." 

She smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Anything?" He saw the look in her eyes and practically folded for her. "Anything." He repeated. She nodded. "Good to know." And started to push his back on the bed. He complied, his eyes never leaving her for a second. He couldn't help but admire her beauty, her blatant good looks. 

"We've been through so much lately.." She muttered. He nodded. "We have.." The edges of her lips ticked up. "We haven't gotten much time to ourselves lately.." He nodded, liking where she was going. "That's true, we haven't." She put her other leg on the other side of his waist so she was straddling him. "With the Ikran taming, the Uniitaron, and now the ceremony preparation." She looked down at him. "I don't think we'll just much time alone in the next week or two..." He licked his lips. 

She was right. Once her family would arrive, they'd be too busy trying to entertain them before the ceremony to spend one-on-one time together. In fact, this was probably the last time they'd be completely alone until the end of the ceremony. 

"Maybe we should use it while we can..." He suggested, a smile quickly spreading across his face. "I agree." She breathed, and started to move her clothes off. "Any ideas?" He muttered, his eyes trained on her as she moved her bottoms off. 

"Nothing comes to mind.. d'you have any ideas?" She said, playfulness heavy in her voice. He shook his head. "Nope. Guess we'll just hang around." She nodded, her hands now moving her top off. "Yeah, guess so." Both had content smiles on their faces, feeling completely comfortable with the other. 

Laya, now completely nude, had an amazing idea. "Keep your head down.." She muttered as she made her way to his face, her pussy hovering right above his lips. His breath caught in his throat, not expecting this sudden boldness from her. But he loved it. His hands reached to her ass and he instantly moved his tongue to her clit. 

She instinctively move her hands to his braids, tightening her hold on him. "F-Fuck" She breathed out. She started to grind herself against his lips, wanting him to have a better angle of her. He scraped his tongue down her center, eliciting in a few small sounds from her. His hands squeezed her ass at the same time as his tongue continued teasing her. She tugged at his hair, making a groan fall out of his mouth. 

She couldn't help it. He made her feel ways that she didn't know possible. Like this, right now, she felt his tongue roll around her, and she couldn't help but squeeze her eyes shut. She wasn't necessarily a vocal person, especially during sex, but the whimpers that fell out of her mouth were enough for Neteyam. More than enough, actually. His dick always responded to her, clothed or not. 

Laya let out a breath and looked down at Neteyam, whose eyes were practically shining. "Fuck Neteyam-" She breathed. "Does that feel good baby?" He sent her a dirty smirk, his lips shining with her juices. She bit down on her lip and eagerly nodded. "Mhm.." She replied, which made him roll his tongue around her clit again. 

And soon, she was have an orgasm. "Oh my- fuck-" She tilted her head up and let out desperate whines, her pleasure evident for the male under her. He was doing everything right. His hands squeezed her ass just how she liked it, and his tongue hit just the right places. 

"Same soul right?" She muttered. His eyes flicked up and met hers, a smile forming across his face. "Yeah-" He responded, his lips still caressing her clit. "Is that how you know what feels good?" She said, a hint of teasing in her voice. 

He squeezed her ass again and licked down her center. "That- and practice." She let a laugh bubble out of her throat. "Lots and lots of practice." He finished. She smiled, her white teeth making him nearly lose his breath. "Eywa- you make me feel good Neteyam.." She closed her eyes, feeling the last waves of her orgasm. 

Neteyam slowly stopped as he watched her adjust off of him. "Thank you-" She whispered to him. He just smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her. "Of course." Then she raised an eyebrow to him. "I suppose I owe you now?" He shrugged. "You don't owe me anything, but I'd greatly appreciate some head." 

She giggled and moved her way down to his waist, taking his bottoms off. "Since we both know you're the vocal one out of the two of us.." She teased. He rolled his eyes. "We're finally alone, so be as loud as you want." He mockingly nodded, then leaned his head back on the bed. 

He soon felt her tongue drift against his tip. "You said as loud as I want?" He groaned. "Mhm.." He heard her reply. "Good." He forced out, letting out a groan when he felt her lick the tip again. And soon his dick was in her mouth, her hand pumping what she couldn't fit. His whole body was buzzing with delight as she spit onto his dick, bringing it back into her mouth. 

"I can't fit all of you-" She said, as if she was frustrated. He let out a loud laugh. "That's good, isn't it?" 

She rolled her eyes. "My mouth is a lot better than my hands.." She mumbled, then brought her lips to his dick again. He let out a content sigh. "Trust me-" He exhaled again. "You're doing just fine." She made a grumbling noise but continued, licking lines down his dick. He felt as she sucked, kissed, and licked. 

He felt a familiar creeping up on him. She could tell too, by the way his body had started to freeze under her touch. And soon, white liquid was pouring out of him. She greedily swallowed it down, but felt it go on her face, her neck. She wasn't complaining though, she enjoyed the noises he let out far too much. He let out a loud groan as he finished, suddenly appreciating the empty house much more. "I can't-" He mumbled. "I'm gonna explode-"

She giggled, her hand pumping him through his orgasm. She enjoyed him like this, so vulnerable he didn't think before he spoke. It's not as if she would mention it later, but it certainly rang through her mind whenever he was in a particularly bad mood. "You like my hand baby?" She egged him on. He desperately nodded. "Your mouth too-" He forced out, still creaming in her hand. "Good." She smiled to herself. 

This had turned out to be an eventful day for them in their new house.

AUTHORS NOTE: Friendly reminder guys- please don't send authors threats if they don't upload chapters. Thought it didn't have to be said but yeah- let's not. (Not talking about the jokes, talking about the dms that I've gotten in the past) I promise it doesn't make them any more motivated to write. Like me- I'm in high school, in an active club, and have a job so it's hard for me to write like I could when I was on a break. Just a reminder guys- authors are real people with real lives so let's all be nice to each other <3 

P.S. I promise chapters will come out eventually I've just been busy lately. (They'll probably come once a week tbh)

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