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It was the next morning, and Laya was stressed out. Planning everything was a lot, even with Neytiri's help. Laya never knew how elaborate these things were, but she quickly learned that this was a serious event. They had to figure out what decorations to use, what food to make, and to make matters worse, the Tsahik was the one to officiate things. Laya knew Mo'at didn't necessarily like her, but everything was piling up and she really didn't want to deal with another person that hated her. So she avoided the subject. Even Neytiri noticed, because she didn't mention her mother until they were talking about the guest list.

"So we're doing it with the whole clan in two months- I sent out someone to give the invitations to your aunt, uncle, and your cousins. Is there anybody else you would like to invite?" Neytiri looked at the young girl. Laya shook her head. "That's everybody." Neytiri nodded her head and resumed the other preparations.

"Okay-" She paused. "Now my mother is going to officiate it- as the spiritual leader- is that okay? Do you want her and Ronal to work together or something?" Laya thought about it for a second.

On one hand, she knew that Mo'at didn't necessarily like her, but she didn't want to disrespect her by having somebody else officiate the ceremony. On the other hand, Laya would love to have Ronal do it.

"Could they both do it? Maybe share half and half?" Laya looked at Neteyam apologetically. Neytiri waved her off. "It is done." Laya smiled thankfully at Neytiri.

Suddenly Neytiri stopped what she was doing and looked up to Laya. "Now.. there is a topic we need to discuss." Laya looked up and tilted her head.

Neytiri continued. "You will need to complete the rites before we can perform the ceremony. First you will venture up to the Ikran den- then you will fight and tame one." Laya nodded. Neteyam had described to her what it was like. He told her it was scary and surreal, but that it was quick. Laya knew she would have to do it eventually, she just didn't realize that she'd have to do it so soon.

Neytiri continued. "Then you will go through Uniitaron. After all this.. you will become one of us."

"What's Uniitaron?" Laya asked. Neytiri grimaced. "A dream hunt. You will be bitten by an arachnoid, then swallow a glow worm. This will induce what we call the dream hunt. If you survive, you will have successfully gone through Eywa and become one of us. If you do not make it.. you will instead stay with her."

Laya soaked in this information, but realistically, she knew it would be difficult like this when she came. She just didn't want to think about it. Of course she wanted to "become one of the people", but she didn't realize how hard it was going to be. It was worth it though, to be with her partner and his family.

She looked at Neytiri, who was looking at her, and nodded. "Okay." She swallowed. "When should I start?"

Neytiri shook her head and made a clicking noise in her mouth. "You're not ready. You will need to adjust before completing the rites. You will need training." Laya nodded in understanding. Just like how the Sully family had to get training from her family, she will need training from them.

"Of course-" She blinked. "I'm sure Neteyam can train me-"

Neytiri shook her head. "I'm afraid Neteyam is going to be helping his father with patrolling. He is a warrior, he needs to fulfill his duties."

Laya raised an eyebrow. "Since when is he patrolling?"

Neytiri shrugged. "They talked about it this morning before they left."

Laya nodded, a little annoyance in her eyes. She remembered Neteyam leaving their bed that morning. Laya was half asleep, and he just kissed her on her forehead. He probably told her where he was going, but she didn't remember.

"Where'd they go?" She asked her. Neytiri looked outside and sighed. "To go look at the tracks from the other day." She looked back to Laya. "Jake thinks it'll be a good starting mission for Neteyam. Show him the duties of a warrior."

Laya bit the inside of her cheek. She didn't know how she felt about Neteyam leaving on dangerous missions. She already had a death scare with him, she didn't want another. On the other hand, she knew she loved that he wanted to save people. He had a huge heart, she couldn't stop him from helping when he could. She was just worried about his safety.

Laya looked back to Neytiri. "So if he's gone.. who will train me?"

Neytiri stood up and motioned for her to walk over. Laya stood up and joined her at the window. Neytiri pointed out to a boy of similar age to Laya.

"His name is Ayakam. Also a warrior but better with plants than with spears. He will help you adjust here." She looked back at Laya. "He's very nice. You two will become friends easily."

Neytiri walked to the other room, meanwhile Laya looked out to the boy. He was of a decent build, but had long locs that went to his elbows. He let it fall freely too, so his hair was split into a middle part. He wasn't too hard on the eyes, but Laya was instead focused on what clung onto his side. A glint of metal caught her eye, and she knew that she wanted to find out what it was.

Suddenly he looked over and made eye contact with her. She immediately turned away, pretending she wasn't staring at him. He smirked and looked back to who he was talking to. Laya groaned. They already were not off to a good start.

AUTHORS NOTE: Shorter chapter, I'm sorry! I've been writing as much as I could but unfortunately I've been getting busier and busier. Hope you enjoyed, sorry again :/

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