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"Y'know the stranger that I brought down to the scientists area?" Laya nodded. "She wants to speak with you. Alone, with no cameras."

Laya stiffened. She wanted to talk to her? Alone? What could she possibly want with her? She looked at Jake and Neytiri, then down at her hands.

"Why?" She asked.

Jake shrugged. "I dunno- but hey-" He put his hand on Laya's shoulder. "You can say no. I told her it's your choice."

Laya looked up at him. "What do you get if I talk to her?"

He sighed. "She said it's the only way she'll tell us anything." He paused. "But if you don't want to talk to her about it- there's always another way."

Laya looked down at her hand and picked at her nail. She shrugged. "If it's the only way- okay. I'll do it."

Jake smiled sadly at her. "Okay. I'll set it up. I'll let you know when, okay?" Laya nodded. Neytiri put her hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.

"It'll be okay- you'll be safe." She assured her.

Laya nodded again. "I know- thank you. I'll be here until you call for me." Neytiri smiled at the young girl, then left the room. Jake followed Neytiri and gave Laya one last smile.

Outside, Neteyam was picking at his nails. He immediately stood up when he saw his parents leave the room. "What's going on?" He asked them, worry on his face. H

is mother looked at his father, then back at him. "Someone wants to meet with Laya. She accepted it."

Neteyam took a step closer to his parents. "Who? When?" He flicked his eyes between the two of them.

Jake clenched his jaw, already knowing what his son's reaction would be, but continued what his wife was saying. "The woman-" He looked at Neteyam's scar that went across his chest. "The same one who gave you that scar."

Neteyam's face immediately filled with anger. "What?" He seethed. "She tried to kill me and now you're making Laya meet with her? Are you crazy?" He yelled.

Jake held up his hands in defense. "It's the only way she'll talk- and Laya could've said no but she didn't."

Neteyam looked at his father, his face stone cold. "Unbelievable-" He muttered and walked into his room.

Jake looked at Neytiri, who ran her hand down his back, trying to comfort him. "I'll go arrange it- I'll be back." Neytiri nodded and watched her husband walk away.

Neteyam stormed into the room. "You can't meet with her-" He said to Laya.

Laya looked up and just shook her head. "Yea I do- I have no choice."

He sat on the bed next to her. "She tried to kill me, how do we know she won't try to kill you?" He grabbed her hands and brought them to his chest. He held her fingers against his still healing scar. "She did this. I nearly died. I don't want you going near her."

Laya sighed and looked at her partner. "I'll be okay. She just wants to speak with me. For reason's that are still a mystery to me." She tried to give Neteyam a reassuring smile. "I'll be okay. Really."

Neteyam shook his head and brought her closer. Hugging her waist tightly, he dug his face into her hair. "I don't like this Laya- I really don't like this." He muttered.

She embraced him tightly and started lightly scratching his back. "I know but I have to. It's the only way."

He moved back and looked at her intently. "It's not though- we can figure something else out. I'll figure something else out-"

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