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Laya had finally gotten her thread by asking around. A few people didn't even bother to answer, and instead just stared at her, but finally one older Na'vi woman gave her a smile and offered her some of hers. Laya thanked her and walked back to her house.

She went into her and Neteyam's room and sat down on the bed, continuing her sewing. She kept working on it, and didn't notice as Neteyam stepped into the room. Her back faced the wall, so he walked out of her sight and suddenly scared her.

"Boo!" He put his hands on her shoulders. She jumped and let out a yelp. Neteyam tilted his head up and let out a loud laughter. Her face hardened and she slapped his chest.

"Neteyam! Why'd you do that?" He slowly stopped laughing and looked at her, a smile still on his face.

"Because you're fun to scare-" He grabbed her chin and kissed her.

"Go back to what you were doing- I'm about to leave." She frowned.


He nodded. She looked up and sighed.

He smirked. "But when I'm back I'll hang out with you.." He whispered, hovering his lips above hers. She kissed him and ran her hands down his chest.

"Today... when you were gone..." She whispered. "Were you thinking about me?"

Neteyam smiled but didn't respond. Instead, he grabbed her harder and kissed her more passionately.

She smiled against his lips. "I'll take that as a yes?" He nodded.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and went up on her tippy toes. He saw this and grabbed her ass, hoisting her legs up so they could wrap around his waist. She groaned against his lips and let her hands drift around his chest. He backed his lips up from hers and groaned.

"Fuck Laya-" He looked at her, a gleam in his eyes. "but I really do have to go.."

She frowned, but nodded. "Okay."

He put her back down on the floor and looked down at her. Brushing a hair out of her face, he smiled.

"I'll be back tonight. If I don't come home quick enough and you're tired- go to bed without me."

She nodded.

"Don't think about me too much, okay?" He winked at her.

She scoffed. "Get outta here Neteyam-" She jokingly started to shove him out of the door.

He was about to leave when he kissed her one last time. "Love you.." He whispered above her lips.

She smiled and nodded. He winked at her again and left the room. She groaned, and looked at the bed.

"Fuck Neteyam-" She collapsed onto the bed. She exhaled and ran a hand down her body, right between her legs. She looked up one last time to check the door was closed, then let herself unravel.


Neteyam had a smirk on his face as he walked to where his father was waiting. Neteyam could probably guess what Laya was doing right now, and he certainly wasn't opposed to it.

He walked to his father and smiled. "Ok, I'm ready."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "You have your bow? Arrows-"

Neteyam nodded and showed him his bow. "I'm all good dad. Let's go."

Jake nodded and started walking in the direction where they had originally fought the soldiers. They arrived to the site and Jake put his hands on his hips.

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