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AUTHORS NOTE: Am I giving you guys too much fluff with Neteyam and Laya? I feel like it's every chapter at this point. Especially this one tbh. Anyways, enjoy!

Landing on the ground of the village, Neteyam held his chest as the blood dripped on the floor. "C'mon. Let's get you some help." Laya grabbed his arm and pulled him to where Mo'at lived and knocked on the door.

Neytiri and Kiri followed closely behind. Mo'at answered the door to see her grandson clutching his bloody chest.

"Oh my- Come in, come in." She opened the door and let everybody trail in. "What happened Neteyam?" She asked as she sat him down and inspected the cut.

"Quaritch." He grunted.

Laya stayed by his side and held his hand firmly, trying to give him as much comfort as she could. He tried to give her a smile but failed as his grandmother started cleaning the wound. Closing his eyes tightly, he only focused on the hand that enveloped his. Neytiri walked behind her mother and watched as she properly dressed the wound, then got out her sewing kit.

"Stitches?" Neytiri said.

Mo'at nodded. "Yes. It'll scar but-" She clicked her tongue. "He already has many scars on his chest. One more won't do anything."

Neteyam groaned and tilted his head back. He hated the scars on his chest. They were reminders of the many near death experiences he had. Laya had always tried to comfort him about them, but he couldn't change how he felt about them.

"They're battle scars-" She would tell him. "They prove that you're a warrior. You've never seen a warrior without scars have you?" She traced them with her finger and smile. "You've saved many people, including me."

As true as this war, he particularly thought the bullet scar was ugly. So that's why he wasn't pleased to learn he'd earn another scar across his chest.

"It'll look badass." Kiri said as she watched with her arms crossed.

"Language-" Mo'at snapped, but had a small smile.

"Definitely badass." Laya smirked.

Mo'at narrowed her eyes at the young girl, but then focused back on the wound. After quickly stitching the wound together, she stood up. "He needs to be careful of his movement." She looked at Laya and clenched her jaw. "You'll make sure he rests?"

Laya nodded and helped him up. "Of course."

Neteyam held a hand on his wound as he walked out of the room. Mo'at stared Laya down as she left the room, Neteyam at her side.

Neytiri walked to her mother's side. "Did I tell you the news? They're mated." She smiled. "What a good match."

Mo'at rolled her eyes. "I told you, no?"

Neytiri sighed. "I think it's great. Y'know Neteyam is turning 19 soon? That's how I was when I started a family with Jake."

Mo'at smacked her lips as she chewed a berry. "We'll see how they turn out."

Neytiri nodded, then her eyes widened. "Crap! I have more planning to do!" She suddenly ran out from the room, running to their home. Mo'at turned around and saw Kiri looking down at her herbs.

"What is it Kiri?" Mo'at asked, sitting down on her bench and returning to her weaving. Kiri shrugged.

"Nothing. I just wonder-" She looked up at her grandmother. "Why do you disapprove of Laya and Neteyam so much?"

Mo'at clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "I don't disapprove."

Kiri scoffed. "You do. Why?"

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