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AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry for the long wait guys. I went to universal studios! And I've been super unmotivated but I'm trying my best to wrap this story up. This is a mini chapter to give you guys something while also giving me some time to write the next chapter!

A couple days later, Laya was talking to Neytiri about the next rite she would have to do. Since she was already proclaimed a hunter, she now had to become "one of the people". This meant she had to do what they called the "Uniitaron". She would have to get stung by an arachnoid and eat a glowing worm, putting her in a trance. In this trance she would find her spirit animal, go through the eye of Eywa, and return. 

She was nervous, as she normally was about things like this, but she knew a little of what to expect. Neytiri told her about what it felt like, what you had to do, and how it wasn't uncommon to be nervous. 

Laya discussed her worries with Neteyam, confiding in him more especially since she discovered he had gone through this very same process. It was a little unfair that she had to do it with so little experience in the forest, but she supposed she didn't actually need to tame anything this time. 

Neteyam always comforted her, saying that this would introduce great things for her. It would give her true acceptance into the clan, and they would finally embrace her. Possibly even Mo'at. 

So when it came time for the ritual, Laya tried to be positive. She repeated what Neteyam had told her, what this ritual would give her. Acceptance. Something she had been striving for her whole life. 

Laya was anxiously waiting for Neteyam to return when the door cracked. Neteyam stepped inside with a white paste, then sat down next to her. "I'll paint you. Just relax and look at me." She nodded and saw his fingers dip into the paste, then start on her arms. 

As if in a trance, she watched as he focused on the swirls and dips of the markings. He finished both of her arms, asking her to stand. Then he did her back, her legs, coming to the front of her for her chest. 

"Finally the part I was waiting for." He chuckled. She rolled her eyes and gave him access to her bare chest. She would be wearing traditional Omaticaya clothes, given to her by Neytiri, but she knew it would be easier to do the markings with a shirt off. His eyes gleamed as she shrugged her top off. 

"You think they'd notice if I gave you a hickey?" He said playfully. She saw what he was doing, he was trying to make her feel better. It was working. "Probably." She replied. 

He shrugged, dipping his fingers in the paste once more. He swirled his fingers around her breast, then to her other breast. He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nipple. "Almost done." He murmured. She let out a content sigh. He did the same to her other nipple as he finished the markings on her chest. 

She looked down and watched as the white paste swirled around her body, circling around her knees, her elbows, her breasts. "I have to do your face now.." He said, voice just above a whisper. She nodded. "I'm gonna kiss you first though, because I won't be able to do it later." He waited for her to nod again, then pressed his lips against hers. 

Laya wanted nothing more than his arms to embrace her, to force her against his chest, but was met with his hands resting on her face. "Can't mess up the white." He said against her lips, knowing where the direction of her thoughts had gone to. 

They kissed once again, their tongues intertwining this time. Laya could feel the worry in him, the anxiety. 

"I'll be okay." She said, separating her lips from his. He nodded. "Yes, you will." She couldn't tell whether he said that to reassure her, or himself. 

And so he grabbed the bowl again, dipping his finger in it again and finishing the markings on her face. "There, you're done." She thanked him and faced the door. Making sure to put on the clothings that Neytiri had given her, she felt a shiver fall down her spine. 

Neteyam saw this, because he hovered his head above her shoulder, careful not to smudge any of the markings. "You're going to do great." She let out a breath. "I hope so." 

She looked to her side and saw him smiling at her. Now feeling a semblance of confidence, she left the room, where Neytiri was waiting for her. Where her future waited for her, all determined on whether she would 'make it through the eye of Eywa'. 

If she didn't she would die. 

But if she did, she would come through as one of the people. 

As someone who was worthy of Neteyam. That's all she wanted. A family. She stepped forward, into Neytiri's arms. 

AUTHORS NOTE: If you guys didn't know- I'm French but I moved to/live in the US. English isn't my first language. But guess who has a C in French! Gonna kms because my teacher is a fucking cunt. What makes it worse, I actually try in that class. How do you have an actual French student in your French class and yet they're barely passing? Gonna kms (if my mom doesn't do it first) so if I can't update its because my laptop got taken (even if I paid for it myself). 

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