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AUTHORS NOTE: Some suggestive things in the beginning but skip to the middle if you don't want to read!

"Laya.." Neteyam whispered.


"We need our own house. Like.. now." He clenched his jaw and looked down at her.

She bit back her smile and smirked up at him. "Any reason you say that?"

He bashfully looked away and bit his lip. "No reason."

"Oh yeah? No reason?" She kissed his jaw and mumbled against his skin.

"Definitely no reason.." He tilted his head up and released an exhale.

"So if-" She brought her lips to his neck. "If I do this.." She drifted her hands to his abs, then lower. "Still no reason?"

A shudder ran through his body as her fingers traced his v-line. "There-" He sharply inhaled. "There might be a reason.."

She raised an eyebrow at him, a smirk wide across her face. "Yeah? What is it?" She cocked her head to the side.

He groaned. "Because-"

Laya's hands drifted even lower and snapped his loincloth against his skin.

"Because we're going to get married-" His mind was racing. Her touch was destroying him. "And we'll need a place of our own.."

Laya nodded. "I agree.. A place of our own would be nice." She lowered down to a squat and ran her hands down his legs. "What else?"

He swallowed. "And so I can.."

She rested her cold hands against the cloth that covered his dick.

"So I can fuck you whenever I want.." He muttered.

She smiled and stood up. "That'd be nice."

He felt the loss of her hands on his crotch and looked at her, confused. "What're you-"

She kissed him gently and backed up. "Get in bed- you have to rest." She snapped her fingers and pointed at the bed.

He stood there cluelessly. "But-" He sputtered. "You just-"

She shook her head. "Get in bed-" She shoved him into bed and put the blanket on him.

"Laya not fair-"

She shrugged. "Sleep-" She smirked.

He threw up his arms. "You know damn well what I'm gonna dream of-" He huffed.

She kissed him one last time and traced her finger down his face. "Enjoy dreaming about me."

He rolled his eyes and pushed her away. She laughed and walked out of the room.

"Fuck you!" He told her as she left, a tone of amusement and denial in his voice

"In your dreams!" She yelled back. He rolled his eyes and looked back down. He huffed, but closed his eyes.

Laya walked out of their room, a smile on her face.

"What was that about?" Kiri said as she walked into the house.

Laya waved her off. "I was just teasing him about something."

Kiri nodded and rushed back to her room. "Wait up Kiri-" Laya chased Kiri into her room and noticed Kiri's strange behavior.

Kiri turned around and shook her head at Laya. "I can't hang out right now Laya, I have a few chores to do."

Laya raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Alright..." She stepped out of her room and felt the door close after her. "Weirdo.." Laya muttered. Kiri was acting weirder than usual, it was obvious. But why? Laya had also noticed that she was acting strange before too. Laya was determined to find out why.

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