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AUTHORS NOTE: Smut below!

Laya woke up in Neteyam's arms and sighed happily. The past few days had been so crazy that she was glad to just be with her partner for a while.

She saw as his eyes opened and focus on her. "Hey baby.." He snuggled into her neck and kissed her neck ever so gently.

She smiled and looked at him contently. "Hey 'teyam.." She kissed the top of his head and felt his arms tighten around her. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, letting the heat of him radiate over her. He brought his head off of her neck and inspected her.

"Can I kiss you?" He said, a small smile on his face. She nodded and brought her hands to his neck, bringing him in. He happily brought his lips to hers and deeply interlocked their lips.

She could feel his yearning, his need for her. "You a little desperate for me baby?" She teased him, but he nodded and ran his hands through her hair.

"Mhm.." He mumbled against her lips. She backed up from his face and raised an eyebrow. "What's gotten into you?" She asked him playfully.

A look passed over his eyes and he cleared his throat. "I just-" He looked at her and smiled. "You're so amazing. With everything. I just want to show you how much I love you-"

She didn't get a chance to respond as he peppered kisses over her neck, her chest. She let out a laugh and tilted her head up, giving him easy access to her neck. He gently sucked on the skin of her neck, smiling at the small sounds that she was releasing.

He felt his morning hardness press against her leg as he leaned towards her. She noticed this and sat up, connecting their lips again. He moaned into her mouth and let her push him back on the bed.

She put her leg on the other side of him and straddled him, lips still interlocked. He started to get more desperate and tried to take her top off of her. She laughed and leaned back, slipping it off easily. He stared at her breasts and he reached up and felt them in his hands.

"Fuck you're perfect-" He groaned. He brought his hands to her hips and made her sit on his laps, getting a perfect angle for him to kiss her chest. He looked up at her as he licked her nipple, sending a rush through her body. She absentmindedly let out a whine, now getting more and more desperate with him.

She attempted to take her bottoms off but he shook his head. "Not yet.."

She let out a whine, but he just smirked at her. He continued on her breasts and soon she could see why he stopped her for rushing them. Every time he would lick the tip of nipples, a burst of pleasure went through her. She couldn't help but raise her hands to his hair and tighten her grip on his braids.

"Who's desperate now.." He mumbled.

She started to grind herself against his crotch, feeling the friction. He subconsciously let out a small groan, feeling her clothed pussy against his dick.

She looked down at him excitedly. "You like that?" She started to grind against him faster and felt his hands tightened around her waist.

His eyes darkened as he let out a groan, his voice rough and deep. "Fuck Laya-" He couldn't resist it anymore. "Get on your knees."

She raised an eyebrow at him, questioning what he was going to have her do. She followed his instructions and went on her knees in front of him.

"Now turn around."

She did this and connected what he was doing. Moving on all fours, she quickly felt his hands on her waist. Then she felt him move her bottoms off of her, followed with a gentle teasing around her clit. She let out a gasp as she felt the familiar feeling beginning to form and move down her body.

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