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Neteyam grimaced. "Hey Foh'la. How've you been?" She fluttered her eyelashes at him and moved closer. "I'm great."

Laya took a look at her and already wanted this interaction to end. Foh'la was endlessly beautiful, and she could see why Neteyam liked her. Her hair was a stark black, straight, and flowed down in braids down her back. Her eyes were a vibrant yellow, a big contrast to Laya's own blue eyes. Then she looked down to her outfit. A elegantly weaved cloth covered Foh'la, and wrapped around her stomach with a small bow in the back. Laya looked down to her hastily put on top and grimaced. Jealousy ran through Laya, but she tried her best to hide it.

Neteyam cleared his throat and put his hand around Laya's waist. "This is Laya, my girlfriend." Foh'la had a fowl look on her face. "Hmm.." She inspected her. "Her arms are so.. thick.." Laya clenched her jaw, but decided to be pleasant. "It's to help in the water. Back home we-" Foh'la ignored Laya and walked next to her, seeing her tail.

"Your tail! It's so big-" Laya moved to face her and hid her tail, a feeling growing in her stomach. She let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah, again it's to help with water-" Foh'la shook her head and sighed. "No use in the forest though." Laya looked at Neteyam and awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah I guess.." Neteyam threw her a look of apology and brushed her thumb with his.

"How was your trip to the beach?" Foh'la asked Neteyam.

Neteyam scoffed and looked down. "My 'trip'? It was good." He paused. "It was cool, I met a lot of people. A certain person." He looked at Laya and smiled.

Foh'la rolled her eyes. "Whatever..." She looked to their intertwined hands and a thought crossed her mind. "Have you shown her the Ikran den?" She paused for a moment. "Wait- does she even have an Ikran?" Laya looked at Neteyam, then at Foh'la. "No, I don't. I-"

She was interrupted by her again. "What a shame. I could never imagine you against one." She looked at the girl. "You look so different. You're so... turquoise.." Laya looked awkwardly around the room, not knowing what to say.

Neteyam looked at Foh'la. "I can't imagine her looking any different." He wrapped his arms around Laya's stomach. "Isn't she pretty?" Laya smiled and felt the heat radiate off of him, the familiar scent of him filling her noise.

"I guess.." She looked at the two of them. "Anyways, I brought some food." She held up the plate that she had put down on the table and handed it to Neteyam. Neteyam retracted his arms from Laya and grabbed the plate.

Laya missed the feelings of his hands around her and looked up at him. He didn't notice her as he inspected the plate. Then he looked up at Foh'la, a look in his eyes.

"What is it?" Neteyam asked as he took it. He looked down and saw that it was a bundle of seeds, that of which he didn't recognize. Foh'la sighed. "Episoth seeds! They used to be our favorite, don't you remember?" Neteyam nodded his head in realization.

"Yeah, I remember. I also remember Lo'ak stuffing them in his nose." Foh'la laughed and rested her hand on Neteyam's arm. "Do you also remember when he started throwing them at Kiri?" She added. Neteyam looked at her hand and backed up.

Her hand dropped but she stayed determined. Neteyam awkwardly laughed. "Yeah, I remember Kiri tripping him a few seconds after that." Laya looked at the two and backed up from them.

"I think I'll go help Neytiri.." She looked at Neteyam who threw her a pleading look. She ignored him and walked away. She felt her own tears start to surface but quickly pushed her emotions down and sat next to Neytiri.

Neteyam turned to Foh'la. "What are you doing here?" He narrowed his eyes at her. Foh'la looked at him and rolled her eyes. "What are you doing with her?"

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