Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*Brooke's POV

"Oh my god baby! Congratulations! Of course, you're ever so welcome to have your wedding here!" Nanna Jane had screamed in my ear, when I told her the news, and asked to have our wedding there.

Then we stayed chatting on the phone for three hours. God I missed my Nanna. And we've nailed the date for the wedding-December 9th 2014 is my wedding day! God it seems so far away, but really, it gives us just enough time to plan it our perfectly.

"Princess?" Niall called, as we walked into our bedroom.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I asked curiously, as I searched through my Facebook feed. I closed the Mac lid gently, and faced him.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Niall asked, as he pulled on his navy blue coat, that just looked absolutely perfect on him. It was actually a fairly cold Spring day.

"Yeah, just let me get dressed." I smiled, jumping off the desk chair, and running into our walk in wardrobe. I pulled on a pair of thick black tights, and a short black cotton skirt. It was tight, like a pencil skirt, and ended about mid-thigh. I also pulled on a stripy, navy blue and white loose shirt, and buckled up my red coat. I wrapped my knitted black scarf around my neck, and pulled a matching black beanie over my smooth, wavy brown hair. I laced up a pair of black booties, and walked out of the wardrobe.

"I'm ready baby," I said smiling. Niall offered me his hand, and I took it as we walked down the hallway, and left our building. Niall and I were walking down the street hand in hand, and I was cuddling up to his arm.

"Hey baby?"

"Yes, love?" Niall replied, looking down at me smiling.

"Your eyes are literally hypnotic and so beautiful. Just thought I'd let you know," I smiled brightly, and he chuckled, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Well thanks beautiful. But I much prefer hazel eyes, just saying," Niall smirked slightly, winking, and I giggled, leaning up for a sweet kiss. I pulled away smiling.

"Hey Ni, let's go in here," I suggested, as we walked past the puppy shelter. He smiled, and pushed the door open for me, knowing how much I love animals.

"Hello, how may we help you?" the bubbly blonde lady asked.

"Can we play with the puppies?" Niall asked the ladies, nudging me playfully. The lady looked at me, and laughed, nodding her head.

"Just go through that door. It opens out back, the pups are playing," she told us, and I quickly pulled Niall through the door as instructed. I felt sad, looking at the fourteen or so puppies that were forced to live here.

They were so adorable and heart melting! Niall and I sat down, and the puppies quickly bounced over to me. "Aww, youse are so friggen' cute," I cooed, as we pet the puppies. I looked up a fraction, to notice an adorable kelpie, sitting off by themselves under the big shady tree. They would bark adorably every time another pup came by it. But you could see the excitement, and sadness, in its big brown eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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