Chapter Three

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....Chappie Three...Double Update!





Love Mama Marshmallow xox


“Wake up, wake up, wake up!” A masculine Irish accent screamed in my ear, startling me to a waking position.

“James!” I screamed in defiance, before shoving him off my bed. “What the bajeebies is wrong with you, you crazy cracker?!”

“Ow.” James whined, scratched his pained head; ruffling his curly hair at the same time.

“You deserved it.” I poked my tongue out playfully. “Now, out. I need to take a shower.”

“Fine.” James stood up, and walked towards the open door of my bedroom. “I’ll have breakfast ready for you when you come out.” He smiled sweetly, before closing the door behind him.

I reluctantly pulled myself out of my warm bed, shivering as my warm feet hit the cool wooden tiles of the ground. I walked to my wooden wardrobe, and pulled out an outfit. I chose a navy blue and white striped dress, that fell to my mid thighs, paired with a pair of brown leather gladiator sandals and belt. Beneath it, I would wear a lacy navy blue lingerie underwear set, and a pair of bootie shorts.

I walked into my personal bathroom, and closed the heavy wooden door. I hung my clean outfit on the golden hooks behind the door, and started up the shower. When the shower was the perfect temperature, I stripped out of my flimsy pyjamas, and tossed them in the hamper.

I carefully climbed into the shower, and began my shower routine—washing with my signature green apple scented shampoo and conditioner. I ran a lavender scented block of soap along my body, and shaved carefully and thoroughly. After washing off the bubbly soapsuds off my body, I scrupulously cleaned my body with my sweetly bitter vanilla body wash.

When I my shower was finished, I stopped the water and climbed out of the steamy, wet shower. I pulled the royal purple fluffy towel off the rack, and starkly rubbed all the water off my body. I slipped on the lacy lingerie underwear, and slowly shrugged into my dress. I buckled the thick brown leather belt around my waist, and it accented my tiny waist.

I pulled the heat protection spray from my cupboard, and spayed a decent amount in my thick, wet dark hair. I plugged in my electric blue hair dryer, and carefully dried every fluffy curl. When my hair was dry, it was hanging just past my shoulder, in light, fluffy chocolate coloured curls, with golden brown trimmings.

I applied face moisturiser, after splashing my face with cold water, and a quick coating of mascara on my thick, long lashes, and a gentle application of strawberry flavoured rosy pink lip gloss. I smiled at my reflection, before chucking the damp towel into the hamper, and exited the bathroom.

I bent down, and gracefully slipped on the pair of brown leather gladiator sandals, which exposed my newly painted lavender coloured toe nails. I walked into the kitchen, to find James finishing up plating my pancakes, sausages and eggs.

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