Chapter Eighteen

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*Brooke’s POV*

It was early in the afternoon now, and the day had really heated up, enough so that us girls were in our swimwear, and the lads were shirtless.

After attempting to teach most of the others the proper technique to ride a horse, we had all had so much fun, cantering and galloping around the shore and in the shallows.

At the moment, Niall and I were silently trotting side by side on our mounts, enjoying each other’s company.

“So, are you having a good birthday so far?” Niall asked, smiling crookedly. The only other sound than his Irish accent, were the splashing sounds of our horses’ legs in the shallow waters of the ocean.

“The best,” I promised, grinning brightly, as I “pinkie promised” him, locking our pinkie fingers together.

Niall smiled at me softly, as we allowed our hands to slowly drop by our sides. The sun sparkled, as Niall and I giggled, leaning towards each other, our lips inches away from one another.

Until….Niall’s horse Muffin snorted and stretched out her back. Niall lost his balance, and fell off his horse and into the water with a loud splash. The entire group turned to face us, as Niall came up completely drenched, spitting out the salt water.

I laughed hysterically, and I fell Peanuts vibrate beneath me. I could tell that was him laughing.

“Think this is funny, ha beautiful?” Niall smiled cheekily.

“Oh, it so is baby.”

*Niall’s POV*

I smiled to myself, as I watched her throw her head back and laugh loudly. It was so adorable; her cheeks and her nose were pink, and her shell pink full lips were plump and pulled into a wide smile.

I crept out of the water, as Peanuts’ watched me warily with his chocolate coloured eyes, as I approached his friend. I winked at him playfully, and I heard Peanuts’ snort merrily. That horse was an intelligent creature.

I wrapped my arms around Brooke’s bare waist, and pulled her off her horse, and into the water with me. Brooke’s mouth dropped as she got drenched by the salt water. Peanuts’ neighed loudly, and began cantering around playfully, flicking around his high tail.

I laughed, as did our group, as Brooke got over the shock of being pulled into the cool water, and began playfully hitting me.

“Ouch, assault! She’s assaulting me!” I cried playfully, before hoisting my gorgeous girlfriend and best friend over my shoulder.

“Ah!” She screamed, as I began running through the shallows. She playfully beat her little fists on my back, and thrashed her long legs around. “Nialler! Put me down!”

I playfully allowed her slim body to slip downwards, as if I were dropping her, and she shrieked, but I laughed happily, and scooped her up in my arms bridal style. She fit there perfectly, and I smiled down at her, as we spun around together.

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