Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Brooke’s POV*

Today’s the day. The lads, Danielle and I are going back to London, El is going to Manchester, Perrie is heading to America and James and Tamie are staying in Ireland. When Niall and I get to London, we’re going to start our search for the perfect flat to shelter us.

We already know, that eventually, after Nialler’s career has quietened down, we’ll move back to Ireland permanently, it is our home after all, but for now, our home is London.

“You finished packing sweetie?” I heard my Dad ask, and I turned around to see him walking in with a black and white football.

“Just. Finished,” I smiled, as I finished zipping up the last, heavy suitcase. “Why?”

“Want to kick the ball for a while, until you need to leave for your flight?” Dad asked, smiling hopefully, and I giggled.

“Of course I do! Only if you help me lug these bags into the living room!” I grinned cheekily, and Dad nodded his head, rolling his dark eyes playfully.

After my luggage was finally brought downstairs, Dad and I went out into the front yard to kick the ball around. I was wearing a sky blue crop top, and some black short shorts with a sky blue Nike tick, and matching sky blue and aqua ombre Nike rochers .

Dad kicked the ball to me, and I juggled it playfully, and carefully kicked it up in the air. I launched myself into the air with a cheerful smile, and playfully head butted it towards my Dad. My Dad stopped it, and balanced it, and kicked it.

I jogged backwards in anticipation, and marked the ball. I stopped it with a triumphant smile, and kicked it in return with an enormous, skilful kick.


One hour later, and both Dad and I were dripping in sweat. As Dad sent the ball into the air. I quickly ran, and propelled myself into the air, arching my back flexibly, and bending back to the kick the ball. I landed on the green grass, to the sound of whoops and cheers.

I turned around, my sweaty brown ponytail swishing around my face with the movement, to see my fiancé and our mates in the black range rover, watching me with triumph and awe. I waved, as Dad threw me a hand towel.

I wiped a bit of the sweat off my face, as I jogged towards the lads with a bright smile. “Hey there,” I grinned, as Niall climbed out of the car. He placed his hands on my hips, and lightly pressed his lips to mine, launching the flood of warmth that I loved.

“Hi,” I whispered, as he pulled away.

“Hi, how was your day?” Niall asked playfully, leaning against the car.

“Productive and boring. I’ll take a shower, and be right down. You lads can be helpful and go get my bags,” I smirked, as I kissed Niall’s cheek, and ran back inside high-fiving my Dad.

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