Chapter Thirteen

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Again, so sorry for the late update, I've had bad writers block, and I've finally caught up with the chapters, and I'm back at school with internet connection!

Have fun, and VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, FOLLOW!!!!!

Love Mama Marshmallow xox


Brooke’s POV

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked the three girls wide eyed, honestly a little freaked out now. We had just got home from our adventurous shopping trip, and I had brought a lot of pretty, new clothes, but now, I get to the penthouse, and collapse in a seat, only to have the girls surround me and smirk at me!

“Oh nothing….only that we’re getting you ready for your date!” Danielle squealed excitedly.

“What date?” I asked them, confusion clear in my hazel green eyes.

“The date that we went shopping for, and the lads are setting up right this minute!” Eleanor replied, extremely enthsiastically.

“With whom?” I was completely baffled. How would I be going on a date, and not know I am?!

“With Niall Horan of course!” Perrie answered, in a ‘duh’ tone.

“But, I don’t know a Niall Horan—oh wait, yes I do!!” I face palm myself, as do Dani, El, and Perrie, their amused but “Holy Jesus” expressions on their faces prudent.

“But, does Niall even know about this?” I raised my eyebrows, but I couldn’t help my speeding heart, or the adreniline rushing through my veins enthusiastically as I thought about the Irish fella who could be adorable but sexy at the same time.

“Of course he knows about this! He planned the entire thing! The shopping trip too! Mm, remind me to thank him for those clothes!” Eleanor rolled her smooth, hazel brown eyes, as Danielle and Perrie took each of my arms, and pulled me out of the black leather armchair frantically.

“When is it?” I asked excitedly, practically bouncing up and down on the carpeted floor in anticipation.

“Geez woman! You’re asking a lot of god damn questions today!” Danielle moaned with mock irritation, as she shoved me in the direction of Niall’s hotel bedroom.

“You leave at six, and it’s quarter past five now! We only have forty five minutes to do your hair and makeup!” Perrie laughed heartily.

“Okay! Strip to your underwear, and put this on—for now of course!” Eleanor ordered, tossing me a big, button up white shirt—it must be one of the lads’. I did as she was told, and when I was in nothing but my lacy pale blue lingerie underwear, with the oversized shirt buttoned up loosely on top, Perrie shoved me down in a black seat, facing away from any mirrors.

“You girls!” I laughed in amused love for my best friends, as they frantically begin doing my makeup and hair. We spent the entire time, chatting and catching up all those lost months I spent being selfish.

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