Chapter Nine

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Brooke’s POV

I woke up the next morning, with the enormously bright Irish morning daylight streaming in through the slightly crooked shutters. I balled my hands into fists, and rubbed my sleepy eyes; ridding my eyes of the awful cakey sleep that had built up in the corners of my eyes and across my thick, long eyelashes during my resting sleep.

When at last, my blurred vision cleared, I noticed that my mother and father were standing by my open doorway. Funny. I could’ve sworn a closed door meant—no visitors. I sighed inwardly, knowing we were about to have a seriously legit family meeting. But I could hear the shower running, meaning my parents had decided to ambush me while my twin brother was in the shower. Nice.

“What?” I finally asked aloud, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow, as I lifted my smallish body onto my elbows, and peered at my parents serious expressions through my large hazel green eyes.

“Lee. We’re sorry. We’re so, so, so sorry. Words can’t describe how sorry we are!” My mother cried; a full apology intensely clear in her large deep blue eyes, and the firm boundary she had built, as not to deliver a waterfall of tears failed; tiny tears escaped her pretty eyes and quickly rolled down her rosy cheeks silently, as more followed at a fast pace. I felt another sharp twang of guilt.

“Lee. We did it out of love. We never meant to hurt you. We didn’t think about the consequences hard enough. And god forbid, we’re paying for it now. We lost you.” Dad cried sadly, tightly squeezing Mum’s hand, and his husky voice broke partway. “Our darling daughter.”

“We love you.”

I stared at my parents—who I had once been so close to—long and hard, thinking about the entire situation. I spent months on end without my closest friends and families, but for what? I was miserable, the entire time! I spent the most time crying in these months, than I had my entire life!

I just couldn’t do it again. The crying, the sadness, the loneliness. It was awful, and I was certainly not brave enough to do it over again. And I definitely was not heartless and selfish enough to pull James away from his parents, when he was only just reunited with them—because I knew for a fact that he would follow, no matter how much I begged for him to stay. That’s just the way James and I were with each other.

I took a deep breath in through my mouth, and whispered, “I forgive you.”

“You what?” My mum blinked her deep blue eyes, and I nodded my head enthusiastically, as emotional happy tears spiked my hazel green eyes..

“You heard me.” I grinned enormously, and Mum and Dad looked at each other ecstatically, before running at me. I roughly threw off the heavy cover, and jumped into my parents’ waiting arms; comfortably allowing myself to be gently crushed by my loving parents in the biggest hug I’ve gotten in a long time.

“I missed you.” I cried, as my parents stroked my messy bed hair fondly. “I’m so sorry it took this long to come back and forgive you guys!”

“It doesn’t matter!” Dad exclaimed, as he pecked my face multiple times in sloppy, wet kisses, causing me to grimace and giggle hysterically.

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