Chapter Twelve

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Dedicated to SophieFrost_ for her amazing comment, that "made my day" ;) Thank you love! <3 xox


Brooke’s POV

I fluttered my eyelids as I woke up the next morning, feeling a little disorientated, but happier than I’ve been in a long time. As my indistinct sleepy vision cleared, I felt the warmth of the Irish sunlight beam onto my face.

And then it all came back to me. I had made up with my lads, and we stayed up until two o’clock watching; Finding Nemo, Spirit: The Stallion of The Cimmaron and Step Up: Miami Heat. We had talked so much, and ate so much Chinese food, I felt I could explode. But of course, being me, I was still starving, despite the load of food I had crammed into my mouth last night.

 I carefully pulled my weight onto my elbows, and stared down at the man I had been sleeping on peacefully.

My mouth parted slightly in awe at how beautiful Niall looked as he slept peacefully. His perfect face was smooth of crinkles, and his eyelids were gently shut—his amazingly long lashes swept his cheek delicately. As he slept, his mouth was slightly parted and his breath was coming out in even bouts, smelling sweet and minty.

A smile formed on my face as I watched him sleep adorably, and I slowly stroked the length of his face adoringly. I slowly leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his rosy cheek. I could watch him sleep forever.

I peered around, and realised we had all fallen asleep in the lounge room. However, the TV was now switched off, and each of us had a thick blanket covering us. I’m guessing Li woke in the middle of the night, and being the caring and considerate person he is, went into the bedrooms and covered us with the blankets.

I yawned quietly, and carefully pulled myself off the couch. I gently arranged the thick white blanket across Nialler’s body, and padded barefoot into the clean kitchen. I realised I was wearing a pair of Liam’s lightly grey sweat pants, and one of Harry’s button up navy blue shirts; the sleeves rolled to the elbows.

I found a fascinating beanie just casually sitting on the countertop, and I examined it between my fingertips. It was a black and white beanie, with dozens of cows decorating it. A big fluffy white pom-pom was on the top. I giggled hysterically, and pulled the beanie down over my tangled mess of brunette curls. “It pwetty.” I sighed goofily.

I began inspecting the insides of the refrigerator, and simply pulled out a carton of eggs, and a massive package of bacon. I pulled out all the cooking utensils I would need, and began making breakfast.

The penthouse was quickly filled with the homey smell of frying eggs and the laid-back sound of crackling bacon. I reached for my white iPhone, and noticed I had a text from a number I didn’t recognise.

Hey! It’s Destiny!<3—Unknown

Oh! I quickly added her number to my contact list, and sent her a quick reply.

Hey Des!<3—Brooke

I flipped the eggs and bacon carefully, and began pulling out eight pretty porcelain plates, and began setting them down on the marble countertop. I switched the frying pans off, and scooped the contents out and onto two of the porcelain plates.

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