Chapter Six

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I really hope you like this Chapter guys, and every other chapter in this book!

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Love Mama Marshmallow xox


I jolted awake, out of the uncomfortable, awkward position on the couch. I immediately got a whiff of salt water, and I noticed that James and I were laying on the leather couch, still in our swim wear.

What the heck happened? I thought to myself silently. I tensed up, when I heard a noise coming from either my bedroom, of James’ bedroom. Or it could be the spare bedroom, I really don’t know.

I picked up a random object that was laying on the ground casually, and slowly tip toed towards the bedrooms. I slowly pushed open my bedroom window, to see a hot guy, standing by my bedroom window, shirtless.

Before I could go into lockdown, drooling at the obvious muscles on his back, I walked towards him silently, and began attacking him silently with my mysterious object.

“Ah! Take this you scary, not so scary, paedophilic criminal! Sneaking into my bedroom, you freaky rapist, I SHALL END YOU NIKLAUS MIKAELSON!” I screamed in defiance.

“Ow, Ow, OW!” Scary paedophilic rapist dude  whined, as he turned around. “Lee, what was that for?”

“Calum, you scared me!” I gasped, as I put a hand over my heart.

“So, you decided to attack me with a bottle of nail polish?” He asked, wide-eyed, clutching his pained shoulders.

“It comes in handy.” I shrugged with a giggle.

“What is going on in here?” Luke, Ash, Mikey and James crowded in my bedroom.

“Why the windy palm trees, eating jam jellies are you lot at our apartment?” I asked wide-eyed as I turned subconsciously to fix the shutters on my window, tossing the bottle of nail polish over my shoulder casually.

“Ow!” Someone exclaimed in pain, and I turned quickly to see Mikey clutching his left eye.

“Sorry.” I shrugged with an apologetic grin. He waved my apology off, with a goofy grin. Ah. This is why I love Michael.

 “And to answer your question….we had a slumber party last night!” Ash exclaimed happily, like an adorable little boy all hyped up on coca cola.

“Last night?” I asked slowly with confusion.

“Yeah, it’s twelve in the afternoon! You slept in!” Cal laughed, and James and I blushed a rosy red.

“You two are adorable, twins!” Mikey giggled, and ruffled his dyed hair.

“You know, you’re still in your bikini, right?” Luke said after a moment of silence. I looked down at my salty, sandy body, and realised I was indeed still in my bikini.

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