Chapter Fifteen

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New character is introduced in this chappie! <3


*Brooke's POV*

As I woke the next morning, and sat up in bed, I felt a mix of emotions; happiness, sadness, love. Happiness, well because Niall and I are back together. Sadness was because today is the day, Taylor's funeral. Love for Niall, for Taylor, for all my friends.

Niall's hand was linked with mine, and he gave it a squeeze, as he slowly woke up adorably. "Morning Cookie."

"Morning Nialler," I smiled at him softly, before leaning down and pressing my lips to his gently. Niall weaved his hands in my hair, and pulled me down on top of him; my bare chest pressing against his bare chest.

"I love you," he told me sincerely, as we pulled away and stared into each other's eyes adoringly.

"And I love you," I told him honestly, pecking his lips gently once more. I pulled my bare body out of my big double bed in my parents' house. "Shower?" I asked my extremely attractive boyfriend cheekily, and he grinned lazily.

"I thought you'd never ask." He smirked mischievously, before launching himself out of my bed, and picking me up bridal style. He tickled me, and pecked my lips quickly, as I squealed with laughter. And then, as he carried me securely, he sprinted into my ensuite eagerly.


I stared into my mirror blankly, as I straightened my lacy black pencil dress. It was tight and hugged my figure, and stopped halfway down my calves. The three-quarter sleeves were patterned with lace, and the black Louis Vuitton ballet pumps with red soles made my calves pop, and my hips looked big, whereas my waist was tiny. I pulled on small black gloves, that revealed a square of my skin on the top of my hand.

I twisted my brunette hair into a messy bun at the right hand side of the base of my head, and pulled on the hat I had in the cupboard. The netting shadowed my saddened face, and I quickly applied a coating of glossy red lipstick.

I exited my bedroom, and slowly walked down the flight of stairs. My parents and Jordan, James, June (Jordan's girlfriend) and Niall were all standing at the bottom waiting for me. I bit my lip miserably, stopping the flow of tears.

Niall rushed forward, and covered my body with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and buried my face in his chest. I sobbed, and he rubbed my back supportively. I pulled away, and interlocked our fingers.

I wiped my splilt tears with my free hand, and followed my family out the front door. Mum, Dad, Jordan and June climbed into the yellow Jeep. Dad was going to drive.

Niall, James and I climbed into Niall's black range rover. I buckled up my seatbelt in the passenger's seat, and stared out the windshield sadly. I was attending an event that I wished would never have to, for at least forty years. But no, Taylor died at such a young age. She didn't deserve this.

Niall pulled out of the driveway, and we followed behind the yellow Jeep.


*Niall's POV*

"Baby?" I knocked on Brooke's bedroom door. The funeral finished six hours ago, and it was nine o'clock now. Brooke went straight up to her bedroom as soon as we got home from the after "party". I was going to stay with her, but she assured me, as did her family, she just wanted to be alone.

I went home, and had a long hot shower, and went had a short nap. "Princess? I brought some movies and some food over."

The bedroom slowly opened, and revealed my beautiful princess. My beautiful, tired looking princess. I think I just woke her up; she was in her white lacy underwear, and a white spaghetti strapped tanktop, and her hair was really messy.

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