Chapter Eleven

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Brooke’s POV

I found myself anxiously pacing back and forth. My nerves were high, and I was so extremely worried. “Sweetie, you need to calm down. He won’t bite.” Bobby advised me wisely, as I paced his living room. Yes, I was in the Horan household. I had in fact taken the advice that James gave me yesterday. To make things right with the lads, starting with Niall of course.

Currently waiting for Niall to show up at his father’s home, wearing a pair of high waisted super skinny red jeans, and a midriff dark grey t-shirt. I also had on a pair of red Supras, and my hair was loosely curled, a few inches past my slim shoulders.

“But what if he hates me? What if he’s moved on? What it—What if I’m too late?” I complained with utter concern, as I slumped next to Bobby on the couch. He chuckled gently, and wrapped a supportive arm around my slim shoulders.

“Niall still loves you, and he will always love you. I can promise you that.” Bobby smiled at me, and I giggled, and leaned into his chest, as a daughter would.

“Cookie??” That loveable Irish accent startled me, and I launched myself off the lounge, and stood up in an uncomfortably straight position. I stared at his sudden appearance; wide-eyed and mouth dry. I had been preparing myself for this encounter all morning, and now I’m frozen stiff, not knowing what on rainbow sprinkles I should do.

“I’ll just…” Bobby waved awkwardly, and quickly walked into the kitchen, just to give me alone time to fix things with my best friend.

“What—What are you doing here?” Niall asked awkwardly in his adorable Irish accent, scratching his new hair style; it was a pretty platinum blonde colour, and was combed over the left side of his forehead neatly. His vibrant crystal blue eyes were shadowing each of my movements, and my heart was aching for the undying love it still held for the Irishman in front of me.

I sighed quietly, and took a seat on the lounge carefully. I patted the seat beside me, and he slowly walked towards me. Niall took a seat on the couch, and laced his fingers together. “I need to apologise.” I told him gently, smiling slightly.

Niall eyes widened, and the vibrant clear blue colour of his orbs was so unbelieavably beautiful—I found myself falling in love with him all over again, not that I ever stopped loving him of course. “What have you got to apologise for?” He asked me softly; his mesmerising eyes holding my stare.

“For not forgiving you sooner.” I admitted in a gentle tone. “Tay—Taylor explained everything to me, you don’t have to apologise any longer. Because, I….”

“You what?” Niall shuffled closer to me; sliding along the grey material of the couch.

“I love you Niall.” Niall grinned wildly, running his large hands through his hair seductively, though he didn’t appear to notice the sensual effect he was having on me right this second. I shifted in my seat.

“Brooke, I love you so much more.” He took my smaller hand in between his larger hands, and shuffled closer to me—we were chest to chest now—and looked down into my eyes lovingly. I bit my lip, and smiled in delight, as happy tears brimmed the edges of my hazel green eyes.

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