Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the late update, this is more of a filler, some time for Brooke to hang out with 5Ssos Lads, before meeting the One Direction boys again!

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, and FOLLOW! For another chapter!

Love Mama Marshmallow xox


“Delenn, no, you have to wear this dress!” I ordered with a huff, as I thrust the soft black material into her hands. Yep, Delenn has been back in Australia for three months, and I had no idea! Calum had bought her to my apartment this morning, when he and the other lads were inviting me—no begging me to come to their concert at the Sydney Opera House. I can’t say no to those lads, and what sort of friend would I be if I didn’t go to their first concert, of their first tour?

“Why Brooke?” Del whined in her strong Aussie accent, as she stared at herself in the mirror.

“Delenn Davis! We are about to go and watch your boyfriend go on stage, at THE OPERA HOUSE, and perform to hundreds of teenage girls, and you’re telling me you don’t want to take the effort to dress up?” I exclaimed; trying my hardest to guilt-trip her into wearing the beautiful black dress that I had bought just for her.

“When you put it that way….” Del trailed off nervously.

“What is it Del?” I asked gently, as she slumped on my bed, allowing her eyes to flutter shut.

“Lee, you’re this gorgeous woman; with the perfect body, perfect smile, perfect face, perfect everything! And I’m a potato compared to you.” She whispered in disgust.

“Del, you’re gorgeous, and don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.” I stated fiercely. “You have gorgeous long, black hair, and such pretty brown eyes. You may not have an ‘hour glass’ figure like me, but you’re gorgeous JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.” I sung childishly, and Del giggled slightly.

“Thank you Lee.” Del whispered in my ear, as she gave me a gentle hug.

“Now go put the dress on, so I can get dressed into my dress.” I giggled, and she began undressing with a huge smile gracing her face. I let the thin white dressing gown drop off my body, revealing my nude coloured lacy underwear set. I stepped into my short white, lacy dress, and Del zipped the low back up for me, exposing a lot of my slender, tanned back. In return, I zipped up her dress, that covered most of her back.

We sat on the bed and slipped on our chosen shoes; mine a high heeled pair of peep-toe soft brown boots, and Del, a simple pair of black ballet flats with an obvious golden zip on the side of the shoe; I was now one or two inches taller than her.

I took hold of her hand gently, and turned to face the mirror. She gasped in shock; Del was wearing the black dress, that was made of a thin satin, and fell to just above her knees. Her beautiful black hair was straightened and fell to her mid-back, with the bangs clipped back neatly. Her makeup was natural, with a brown eye shadow, black mascara and eyeliner and a nude lip. She didn’t want to overdo it, and wanted a simple look.

As for me, I took a more sophisticated look. I was wearing a sleeveless lace dress, that fell to my mid-thigh. It was paired with a high heeled pair of peep-toe soft brown boots, and some simple golden jewellery. My shorter brown hair was pulled into a fluffy, thick donut bun that was on top of my head, with golden tresses running through out it. My makeup was natural, but more defined. I had dramatic winged eyeliner, and a thick coating of black mascara. I had a light pink blush coating my high cheekbones, and a deep coating of rosy pink lipstick.

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