Chapter Eight

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“Lee. Lee. Lee.” A gentle voice murmured in my ear gently, and I was shaken out of my comfortable sleep.

“What is it Jay?” I groaned, as I turned my back on him, and pulled my warm blanket further up my body, in a horrible attempt to escape James.

There was a sad, heavy silence and it freaked me out, so I groaned and rolled over, and slowly fluttered my eyelids. My eyes immediately closed at the ray of bright sunlight, and I hissed in annoyance and pain. A shadow crept across my face, and I opened my eyes slowly, worriedly.

Jay was sitting on the corner of the coffee table, shielding me from the harsh sunlight with his muscular body, his hands clenched together so tightly, they were turning white and the purplish veins were more prominent. His head was bowed down in grief, a sure sign of giving up.

I hesitantly sat up, but immediately took his large hand, as a signal of support. “Taylor is in the hospital.” He stated in a gruff voice.

“Wh-what?” I whispered fiercely, as the tears glazed my hazel green eyes.

“She’s in the hospital.” He repeated, as if he were trying to convince himself. “And it isn’t looking too good.”

“No!” I cried, and I jumped into his chest and hugged him tightly. Taylor may have only been my best friend for a few years through high school, but we have become really close, and it hurt me to think she was injured.

“She was in an accident. She was walking in the park during that storm, and a tree fell and crushed her. She was taken back to Ireland.” James continued the explanation in a gruff voice, his serious tone breaking through it.

“We-We have to go! Now!” I shouted, as I pushed myself off my twin brother and faced him, with smudged tears drying along my rosy cheeks.

“I know. I’ve already booked the plane tickets. We leave at twelve.” James said, as he stood up, I looked at the time and noticed that it was ten past eleven (11:10). I sprinted into my bedroom and pulled out my trusty black suitcase. I continuously stuffing random pieces of my stylish clothing, completely emptying my bureau. I stomped into the bathroom, breathing heavily, my throat aching with the pain of unshed tears. I pulled the black duffel bag from behind my bathroom door and shoved my shampoos and makeup and hair accessories into it.

I ran back into my bedroom and shoved the bag into my overflowing suitcase. I also shoved a tiny bag of my valuable jewellery and most prized possessions inside. I pulled out my white phone charger and also slipped that inside one of the tiny pockets. I walked to my bedside table, and pulled out my passport and purse and also loaded that into my black suitcase. I zipped it up quickly, and snapped the handle and wheeled it out of my bedroom.

I noticed that James was also standing in the living room with his suitcase loaded and a stern expression on his once bright face. I looked at the time. It was twenty past eleven, and I noticed that James was fully clothed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey tee shirt and his favourite black leather jacket.

 I quickly ran into my bedroom, and got changed out of my comfortable sweats and plain tee shirt, and into a pair of thick black stockings, a stylish, plain short black dress that fell halfway to my thighs, and a thick stylish black coat. I buckled the golden brass buttons, and slipped on the six inch black ballet pumps that go incredibly well with this outfit.

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