Chapter Fourteen

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So part 2 of their date, and oh my god, I loved writing these chapters! Make sure to comment and tell me your favourite part of their date!


Love Mama Marshmallow xox


*Brooke’s POV*

“Ready for dessert?” Niall asked me cheekily, as I shoved my dinner plater away from me.

“Dessert?” I squeaked with surprise. “We just ate waffles!” Mhm, those waffles were actually so yum – covered in thick white vanilla ice-creamed and golden maple syrup….

“That was dinner. These—“ he pulled a small silver box from his lap, “are dessert!” I peered at him, as he gently opened the box, and I noticed it was a variety of tiny chocolates.

“Whoa! How do you know flavours they are?” I asked him playfully, as I folded my legs.

“That’s the fun part.” Niall laughed heartily. “We’ll be surprised by the ones that we like, and those that we don’t.” He laughed again, and I could listen to his laugh all my life.

“Okay!” I pulled a chocolate out at random, and put it in my mouth quickly. I chewed it quickly, but scrunched my nose, and shook my head.

“You don’t like it?” Niall laughed, and I shook my head again.

“I did not like that one.” I whined chilishly, and dragged my teeth across my tongue, as I tried to get rid of the horrid, orangey taste. Orange and chocolate don’t mix – I’ve always hated it.

“Here. Try this one.” Niall popped another chocolate into my mouth, and I chewed it hesitantly, but Oooh! It was yummy. I rose my eyebrows as a reaction and ‘Mmmed’ loudly. “Hm, you like that one?”

“Oh yeah! Your turn,” I smirked, and pulled a chocolate from the slot, and popped it in his mouth. Niall chewed the chocolate delicately, and as he chewed, I shoved one in my mouth, and smirked cheekily.

“Naughty, naughty.” He clicked his tongue as he finished his chocolate, and I giggled, and I picked a reddish chocolate and shoved it into his mouth.

“Mm, yum!” I exclaimed, as he popped a nutty one into my mouth, and I felt cream explode in my mouth.

“Let’s play choppy-choppy.” Niall laughed and I giggled, as I turned to face the box towards him, and he picked one out at random. “Oh gross!” He scrunched his nose up, and his eyes closed adorably, and swallowed the chocolate harshly. “Your turn!” Niall popped a whitish chocolate into my mouth, and I chewed it reluctantly – I don’t particularly like white chocolate.

“Wait til you try the hot chocolate.” Niall smiled after a moment.

“Are you trying to make me diabetic—“

“No!” He exclaimed.

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