Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Brooke’s POV*

“What colour do we want the living room walls?” I asked Nialler early the next day, as we walked through the department store.

“Light blue,” Niall smiled, as he looked at one of the cans of paint. I looked at it, and immediately could see our living room that colour. I nodded my head smiling, and Niall took two cans and placed it in the huge trolley.

“So, living room and hallway is light blue, and the bedrooms are all peach-coloured, the laundry is white with a little wallpaper, the bathroom is white, and the kitchen is white with a little wallpaper?”

“That sounds perfect,” Niall grinned, as he put in three cans of peach coloured paint. He made sure to put in two cans of white paint.

“Okay, so now we need to find the perfect wallpaper for the kitchen and laundry,” I said, as I looked down at the trolley that looked really heavy. “Niall?”

I looked around for my blonde fiancé, and saw him gazing at some wallpaper, that was basically millions of imaged lollies, and I could immediately see that, especially in our kitchen. It was basically our entire personality; bright, numerous, food-related.

I grinned happily as I gently put two rolls of that specific wallpaper in the trolley, “You’re actually good at this Pop Star.”


“You’re not good at this Pop Star,” I told Niall bluntly, as I looked around after we finished painting the entire living room, with blue paint everywhere. I giggled, as I wiped blue paint off my face. Thank god the walls actually looked neat and really good!

“Hey, I’m not horrible at this!” Niall defended himself, laughing brightly as he approached me.

“No, no, NO!” I squealed, as he attempted to wipe his paint-filled hands all over me. Nialler picked me up in his arms bridal style, and wipe paint all over my body. “You’re such a horrible person!”

“You love me,” Niall laughed, as he put me down.

I sighed, “I do, I love you.”

“And I love you baby,” Niall grinned, as he tried to walk near me. I ducked quickly, and dipped my paintbrush in the thick paint, and popping up agilely, to draw a long, thick line of paint down the side of his face.

“Oh hoo-hah!” Niall laughed in disbelief, as he grabbed me around my waist as he swung me around in a circle. I squealed and struggled out of his arms.

 We laughed loudly, and I jumped on his back, giggling wildly in absolute happiness. Until, I tumbled off of him, and landed on the ground staring up at him. Then we just exploded in laughter, and he took my hand and gently pulled me up to face him intensely. Niall smiled at me softly, still holding both my hands and staring at me with adoration in his beautiful blue eyes.

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