Chapter Seventeen

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I had so much fun writing the next two chapters!! I hope you'll enjoy them too! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, and FOLLOW!

Lot's of love, MM XoXo


~May 16th-Brooke's Birthday~

*Brooke's POV*

I yawned tiredly, and stretched. I patted the bed, expecting to feel Niall's warm body beside me, but I only felt the thin satin of the bed sheets.

"Ni?" I murmured, sitting up slowly. He wasn't in the room. I stared around his hotel bedroom in confusion. Niall was there when I fell asleep last night, so where was he now?

The bedroom door opened, and Niall walked in carrying a dinner tray. He was wearing a party hat and that birthday whistle thing was in his mouth, as he grinned excitedly. He plopped down next to me, carefully balancing the full tray.

The tray was carrying two porcelain plates; one had a huge stack of pancakes with vanilla ice-cream and strawberries, the other plate was full of eggs and bacon, and sausages and beans. There was a tiny vase holding a lily in it, and a huge glass of chocolate milkshake, with two swirly straws. There was also a beautiful navy blue Tiffany jewellery box.

"Aw Nialler!" I cooed, and pressed my lips on his wonderfully gentle lips roughly. I picked the box up in my small hands, and opened the lid carefully. A beautiful golden locket was resting in the blue velvet, and I smiled softly as I barely stroked it. I gently slipped it out of the box and studied it. The locket was round with a slender vine border carved around the outside of the circle. I popped the tiny catch, and there was a small photo of Niall and I hugging in front of a full moon on the Eifel Tower (A/N: date night in "Falling"). On the opposite side was a small inscription in French.

"What does this mean?" I asked Niall, and he smiled at me gently.

"More than my own life." He said with the slightest of French accents, and I grinned, as he moved my hair from my neck. He gently clipped the golden locket around me, and pressed a small kiss to the base of my neck.

"Thank you baby!"

"Anytime, my birthday princess," Niall laughed, and leaned in closer to me. "Happy birthday gorgeous." He murmured, and pecked my lips gently; our lips moved as one delicately.

"Let's eat!" I exclaimed eagerly; I sliced a piece of the sausage up and scooped it up with some beans, and popped it in Nialler's mouth. He rolled his eyes, but smiled eagerly as he chewed.

I fed myself some of the pancakes, and I had to admit it actually tasted so good. "Who cooked this?" I rose an eyebrow, as I took a sip of the milkshake out of one of the swirly-spirally straws.


"WE DID!" Three bouncy girls bounded into the room, and I laughed. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHOOK!"

"Hello my beautiful girls," I smiled at Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie happily, as they reached down and carefully hugged me. "Where is Tamie?"

"Miss Tamie is here!" I heard the joyous Irish accent exclaim, and in bounced the ombre haired beauty. "Happy Birthday Miss Brookie!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you girls," I smiled, and giggled, as I slowly put a strawberry dipped in ice-cream in Nialler's mouth. He chewed it while he wriggled his eyebrows, and I started giggling again hysterically.

The girls awed quietly, and I kissed Niall's lips. I could taste the cool, frosty ice-cream on his mouth, and I slyly licked his lips, and pulled away. "Yum!" I smirked, and Niall laughed.

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