Chapter Twenty-One

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*Brooke’s POV*

So…..yesterday, Niall and I were officially engaged!! It’s the best feeling in the world, modernizing to calling Nialler, “my fiancé”!! Nialler is my fiancé!! I never knew that that day would come around so fast, but I don’t regret it.

I’m dead set sure that Niall is my man, that I will spend my forever with. Nothing will ever change that. So why does it matter how young we are?       We’re only sealing a deal, and making a promise to each other. I love Niall—and it will stay like that.

So, when the gals and guys found out last night over Skype, sugar hit the ground like a bag of potato pie. They were so excited for us! Of course, Dan and Tam, and both our families knew about the engagement before I did—the big surprise. Tamie was the one that had to pick up the ring—Niall chose it, but she picked it up for him, you remember the day after my birthday. Well, she got my ring from Maura, because well, Niall had chosen to give me his mother’s engagement ring! Which I proudly wore on my third finger.

Dan is so obviously my maid of honour, I’ve already asked her—and Niall has chosen Greg as his best man. Dan and I will be planning my wedding, with some help from Mum and Maura, and the other girls so long as they aren’t busy! Gah! I’m engaged to Niall! And I own a Camaro!

“Aaah! Niall! Niall! NIALL!! C’mere!!!” I screamed for my fiancé loudly from the living room, jumping up and down on the leather couches.

“What’s wrong baby?!” Niall exclaimed as he speeded into the living room from washing the dishes in the kitchen. My mother and father were next door with Bobby, Greg and Denise.

“Look, look baby!” I pointed to the TV, as I turned the volume up louder with the remote.

“Now, we know recently, Niallee, our cutest couple at the moment, Niall Horan of One Direction, and Brooke Osborne, model and dancer, have been getting quite serious, after getting back together. Niall recently just brought her a car! Literally, because he loves her! How sweet is our Mr Horan?

Here’s what some people have got to say, on our favourite couple!

‘He’s head over heels for her, and it’s never going to change,’ Lily Collins announces, smiling brightly, and nodding her head, her bouncy auburn curls dancing around her face. ‘I met Niallee at the VMA’s a little while ago. They weren’t overboard with the PDA, but anyone could see the love coming from each of their eyes, and it was practically dripping off of them! I totally ship it, yeah.’

Tyler Hoechlin, Teen Wolf star, and Brooke’s rumoured celebrity crush, says, ‘It’s pretty awesome to hear, that a woman like Brooke, would have, as you call, a celebrity crush on me. But she’s a beautiful, talented girl, and I know that the two ‘Niallee’, are deeply in love. Love is hard to find, and when you find it, as they so obviously have, you’ve got to keep it. You’ve got to.’ Tyler dishes out, while in an interview with co-stars Holland Roden, Tyler Posey, Dylan O’Brien and Max and Charlie Carver, who all agree with him.

Well, there you have it! It seems the world is being entranced by the love that is Niallee!”

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