Chapter Two

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The long awaited Chapter Two is here my beautifuls! Don't forget to comment and vote! I love hearing from my readers, it gives me a bigger influence to update ;) <3

Love Mama Marshmallow xox


As I entered the apartment, I slammed the door shut, and leaned against the wood, and slid down it. I know that he and I aren’t together anymore, but talking to John, and being attracted to John felt wrong.

“Hey you.” James smiled, as he entered the small dining room. Then he noticed the foetal position I was in. “What’s wrong?” James asked worriedly, as he crouched by my side, gently tucking my shorter trimmed brunette hair behind my pierced ear.

“James.” I whimpered, as I wrapped my slim, sun-kissed arms around my braced knees, and slowly rocked myself back and forth.

“What? What is it, sweetheart?” James whispered peacefully, as he soothingly stroked my curly hair.

I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, calming myself down, with the help of James of course. “I don’t know if I’m being stupid, or what. I met this Aussie bloke, John, and I was attracted by him, like really attracted, and I feel as if I’m… betraying Niall somehow.” I finished off, and my hazel green eyes widened, when I realised I said his name!

A wave of burning pain seared my aching heart. The fatal hole, pierced straight through my chest, was enraged, as the intense discomfort nipped at my fresh wounds. I grasped my chest, and took a pained breath, as I struggled to breathe, at the shock of the passion of my heartache.

“Lee, honey, are you okay?!” James asked me, panic-stricken. I nodded slightly, as I slowly regained my regular breathing pattern back. My lungs burned fiercely, and I whimpered, as strong memories flooded my mind. Lovely, sweet memories of my friends. Of him.

“I miss them.” I realised sadly, as I leaned into James toned chest. James sighed desolately, as he cradled me to his chest, and rocked me slowly, like the caring brother he is.

“Sweetie, you aren’t betraying him. He was one of my closest friends. And I trusted him with my life, I trusted him with your life—and you’re the most important thing to me, ever. But what he hid from you, changed your life completely. I know you miss them, and that’s only natural, trust me. But, it’s up to you, if you want them back into your life.” James said, with a sad smile, as he gently raised us both of the floor, into a solid standing position.

I nodded my head slowly. “I’m hungry.” I smiled faintly, as James grinned at me expressively.

“I thought you’d be, it is half past six now. You’ve been out for a while. And there is some mac and cheese in the microwave for you.” James smiled, as he nudged me towards the brightly lit kitchen. Wow, I hadn’t realised I had been out wandering the city for that long, just lost in my own tempting thoughts and memories.

“Oh, and Lee?” James called. I turned around to face him curiously, as I cocked my heart shaped face to the right. “About this John guy, you better keep me well informed.” He smirked, and raised his large, threatening fist. I rolled my eyes playfully. Does he have to threaten every boy I meet?

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