Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Brooke’s POV*

“So, please welcome, the biggest  boy band in the world, One Direction!” Alan Carr announced to his audience, and the cameras that were recording the interview. I smiled from the side of the stage, as the lads waved to the audience, smiling brightly.

“Hello again boys,” Alan greeted them, once they were all seated on the blue couch opposite him. They greeted him individually.

“Okay, so, we’ve noticed you’ve sorta been MIA recently, I’m sure everybody would really like to know what’s been going on.” Alan asked curiously, as the boys looked at each other.

“Well, recently,” Liam began, “someone very close to us, lost a loved one, who we were also good friends with. So, we were in Ireland for a week or two longer, for the funeral and support.”

“Oh yes, Miss Taylor passed away just recently,” Alan smiled sadly. “How are you dealing with it?”

“Well, of course it hasn’t been easy, but we’ve all, you know, had each other for emotional support,” Harry drawled slowly.

“And,” Louis began, “we had it easiest. Our mate, Brooke, she took it the hardest of course, so whether or not she believes she doesn’t need it, we wanted to be there for her. I think that, was, uh, the most important thing going through our minds at that time.” Louis finished, and I smiled sadly.

“Of course, she’s such a sweet little thing, isn’t she? Oh, geez I’m fond of her! I do believe Niall’s the lucky lad that has scooped her up, aye?” Alan playfully nudged Niall with his elbow, and Niall laughed, licking his lips, kneading his fingers together and leaning forward.

“Yes, she’s my girl,” Niall grinned simply, and I smiled happily.

“Is she here? Please tell me she’s here! I haven’t seen that dear girl in quite some time!” Alan playfully sobbed, and the boys and the audience laughed.

“Yeah, she’s here. She’s always supportive and comes to as many interviews as she can.” Niall smiled.

“Well, please welcome, Miss Brooke Osborne!” Some flirtatious pop music began playing, and on the screen behind the boys, was a well-put-together collage of my modelling career.

I laughed, as I began walking on stage. I waved to the audience with a bright smile on my face, as they were all standing in their seat waving excitedly to me. I reached Alan, who was grinning, and wrapped him in a hug.

“Hello Miss Brooke!”

“Hello Alan!” I grinned, as I took a seat in between Liam and Niall.

“And how have you been?”

“I’ve been…..well, I suppose. And you?” I replied enthusiastically, and the lads and audience laughed at our casualness.

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