Chapter Four

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Dedicated to sophiefrost_ for her sweet comment! It made me feel h-a-p-p-y :) So thank you love <3


“Brooke, sweetie, you need to wake up and get ready for work.” I heard James breathe in my ear gently the next morning.

“Why?” I murmured; my eyes still closed gently.

“Because it’s ten o’clock, and you work at eleven.” He reminded me quietly; trying his hardest to wake me up the nicest way possible.

“Holy flying monkeys doing the hoky poky!  I’ve got to get ready for work!” I screeched suddenly as I sat up, and quickly climbed out of my warm bed. I pushed a surprised James out the wooden bedroom door harshly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

I shook my head at that silly boy as I closed the door with a ‘click’, and chose a quick tom-boyish outfit that is perfect for a day of dancing. I chose a simple pair of skinny black leggings, a noticeable purple sports bra, and a salmon coloured hoodie that beared the words, ‘NEW JERSEY’ and the numbers ‘82’.

I stripped out of my Nemo pyjamas, and quickly pulled on the outfit. I paired it with a pair of black Supras, and a pair of goofy nerd glasses. I quickly ran a big blue brush through my naturally curly brunette hair, and gathered my black leather handbag—but because it was so huge, I used it for dancing and the gym. I threw in a white handtowel, a pair of bootie shorts, a pair of jazz shoes and my iPod dock.

When I was finished in my bedroom, I walked into the kitchen, and immediately smelled bacon and eggs. “BACON!” I screamed, as I sprinted towards James, and dropped my bag by the kitchen table. I pulled the crispy piece of bacon from the frying pan, and started eating it. And it was so good!

“I’m glad you enjoy my cooking.” James chuckled, as he served out the breakfast.

“Oh you know I do, cos now I don’t have to cook when I have my personal chef!” I giggled, and pecked my twin’s cheek. He gave me a porcelain plate loaded with bacon and eggs, and I immediately started eating it.

“Yeah, well you’re cooking tonight!” James poked his tongue out.

“Aw, why?!” I protested, and grumpily crossed my arms over one another.

“Someone getting lazy?” James teased playfully. “And, cos I don’t want to cook, and your food is amazing!”

“Yeah, yeah.” I grumbled to myself silently, and picked at my breakfast.

When I was finished with eating my food, I walked to the refrigerator, and pulled out the bottle of orange juice. I set it down on the countertop, and  reached for the tall cupboard, that we keep glasses and mugs in. But I couldn’t flacking reach.

“James!” I whined, as I jumped on the spot, reaching for the brass cupboard handle.

“I’ll get it for you shorty.” He laughed hysterically, as he easily opened the cupboard, and pulled out two tall glasses. He set them down on the countertop, and poured the orange juice into them. James took the biggest glass, and took a huge gulp of the orangey liquid.

“Why did you get the flipdinger biggest?” I complained childishly, but still shoved my straw in my cup, and started sipping at my drink.

“Because I’m bigger than you.” He shrugged his shoulders, and drained his cup. He set his glass in the sink, and sat back at the table. I looked at the clock above me, and noticed that it was quarter to eleven (10:45).

“Alright, I’m off.” I smiled, and pecked James’ cheek in a farewell gesture. I picked up my bag from the floor, and chucked in two bottles of water. I slung the bag over my shoulder, and waved farewell.

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