Chapter Nineteen

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*Brooke’s POV*

I had woken up fairly early the next morning, to find it wasn’t going to be a sunny day at all. The sky was consumed with thick grey clouds, bridging with rain water.

I yawned tiredly, and pulled one of the three blankets Niall and I had slept with, around my shoulders tighter. I carefully slipped out of Nialler’s warm embrace, and stepped into my brown ankle boots.

I slowly dawdled down the beach, just enjoying the peacefulness of the quiet morning. I closed my eyes in content, listening to the birds singing their soliloquies. I picked up a granite rock, and faced the misty ocean.

I gently flicked my wrist back, and skimmed the rock across the misty ocean. Hm. Seven skips. Not bad.

“Not bad, princess.” I heard the Irish accent murmer in my ear smugly, and a smile wormed its way across my lips as a pair of large warm hands wrapped themselves around my waist. I sighed in bliss, closing my eyes and snuggling into Nialler’s embrace lovingly.

After a few moments of perfect silence, I said, “I love it up here Nialler.”

“I know.” Niall gently arranged for me to face him. I stared up at his perfect fair skin with a tinge of a sun tan, and dazzling blue eyes as he gazed at me with devotion sparkling in his big orbs. “I love it here too.”

I smiled at my gorgeous boyfriend, my eyes glowing with all the love in the world—wondering how in the world I had gotten so lucky. I had fallen so much so in love with him, that my world revolved around him. Niall was truly the only man I could ever see myself spending the rest of my life with. I couldn’t imagine another lifetime without him. Being without him, is like….the sky with no sun. Impossible. Pointless. Dark and miserable.

I allowed my eyes to flutter shut as I pouted my lips and leaned forward on my tippy toes. I immediately felt Nialler’s warm lips moulding to mine and I wrapped my arms around  his neck, digging my fingers gently in his soft hair as he kept our kiss sweet and gentle. The moment our lips touched, I felt warmth flood through my body, and I felt as if I was literally glowing with my happiness.

Nialler’s arms gently caressed my waist and I felt my skin burn with adrenaline. I smiled cheekily into the kiss and Nialler laughed softly, as he tickled my waist softly. I ripped my lips off his and squealed with laughter.

Niall smiled fondly and stepped forward, caressing my cheeks with each of his hands, as he peered into my eyes, his face millimeters from my own. “What?” I giggled, as I stroked his rosy cheek softly.

“You’re just so beautiful, like all the time. It’s strangely fascinating. I could watch you all day,” Niall murmered, and quickly and delicately leaned down and pressed his warm lips on mine. I sighed on impact and returned the kiss gently. I flicked my tongue out and danced it across his wet lips—just as quickly sliding it back into my own mouth.

Nialler smirked and applied more pressured to my lips, as I grasped his hair tighter in my slim fingers, as Niall tugged my bottom lip between his teeth. I softly sighed in desire, as I pressed my lips to his even rougher.

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