Chapter Twenty

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*Brooke’s POV*

“Tamie! Which dress?!” I blurted out, as I held the two different fabrics in each hand, and faced Tamie with a desperate expression on my face. In my left hand was a strapless flowy pale pink dress, that was body-hugging, and in my right hand was a long, body hugging cream dress.

“Oh, they’re both absolutely beautiful Lee, but my opinion is the pink dress.” Tamie nodded her head firmly as she studied the fabrics in my hands.

“So, pink?” I double checked quickly, raising my delicate eyebrows.

“Pink.” Tamie agreed, with an enormous, happy grin. “Now, get changed into it and—“

“I know, I know, ‘Put this robe over the top of it’.” I mocked every single one of my friends that say that, in a high-pitched, squeaky voice. She giggled at me, as I pulled off the simple white blouse and black leggings that I was currently wearing.

I stepped into the dress, and Tamie zipped it up for me gently. I pulled on the thin white cotton bathrobe, and gently tied it around my waist. A pair of strong hands quickly flashed forward and took hold of my shoulders, and pushed me firmly into the desk chair, that was deliberately turned so that I wouldn’t have a view of the mirror.

“I wonder where Niall’s taking me.” I mused aloud…..


“Hey princess?” Niall asked me casually, nine days after my birthday, as we cuddled tightly under his thick covers, in his warm bed at Bobby’s house, watching the High School Musical series—don’t judge, the HSM series are some of the best movies in the world, and Niall and I both love them. We were romantically feeding each other some warm apple pie microwaved with vanilla ice-cream—perfection.

“Yes Ni-fy?” I answered sweetly, as Gabriella and Troy performed one of my favourite songs from the movies, “Everyday”.

“Would you please accompany me some place special tomorrow evening?” Niall asked in the most adorable posh voice ever.

“Why, of course I will, kind sir!” I giggled innocently, pressing my lips to Nialler’s briefly. “Now will you kindly feed me some more apple pie?”

*Flashback over*

I thought of all the wonderful places he would organise to take me to. He was always so romantic, I was never disappointed!

“Oh, I do too.” Tamie smirked mysteriously, and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Of course everyone knew where he was taking me, but of course I was kept out of the loop as usual. I guess I understand though. Niall is always surprising me.

Minutes turned to hours as Tamie Mai polished every facet of my face, and redone my manicured fingernails. She styled my hair, and I still had no idea of what I looked like at this point in time. I knew that my hair was straight, because I could feel her using the hot hair straightener, but as to what style my hair was put in, I couldn’t be sure of.

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